Chapter 4

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I'm so bored and lonely... So here's a question to ask yourself: "If you were in an anime, what one would it be? And would you and your favorite character/the one you simp for be in love?" I'll do my results at the end of the chapter.


Pisti hoped down the halls happily. Today the animals seemed happy, so she was happy. She didn't know what she was doing, other than running around. She turned a corner and started to hop down it. That's when she heard Sharrkan's voice. "No! That's not how you do it! Give it here!" Then there was another voice.

"Hahaha! Come get it from me!" Pisti looked around to where the voices were coming from. They came from the training area. Pisti then peered out the window overlooking the training area. There was Sharrkan chasing a boy with silver hair.

Pisti covered her mouth, blush coming over her cheeks. "D-did Sharrkan f-find a love I-interest?!" She asked herself. (Pisti doesn't have a crush on Sharrkan, but the other generals kinda ship Sharrkan and Yamuraiha together) She clenched her fists and threw them in the air. "I'll find out who is Sharrkan's new love and determine if they're worthy to love him!" She declared to no one. Then she ran down the hall.

Time skip: dinner

(It has been a week since Sharrkan found out about Jafar) Pisti sat down in between Sharr and Yam. They seemed confused, as she would always sit next to Spartos. She huffed as she poked her food. After a few more minutes, she spoke up. She turned to Sharrkan. "When did you plan to tell us that you had a love interest!?" She demanded.

Everyone, even Masur, looked shocked. Some of them looked confused as well. Yamuraiha smiled at Sharrkan. "Oh~ Sharr has a girlfriend~?" She teased. Sharrkan shook his head frantically.

"Where did you get this idea, Pisti!?" He asked. Pisti crossed her arms and pouted.

"I saw you playing with someone out on the training area today! You were being all shy and having fun around them!" Sharrkan looked at Sinbad, who had frozen. Sharrkan then took Pisti's hand and they ran out of the dining hall. The others (who knew of Jafar) followed.

"So you're saying you saw them training?" Sinbad asked. Pisti nodded. "You haven't talked to that silver haired boy?" He asked another question. Pisti nodded. Today was the first day she saw the boy. Sharrkan let out a breath while the others sighed. Wait, isn't that the same thing?

"Well, don't go near him..." Sharrkan told Pisti. "He's really dangerous."

"Then why can you guys go near him!?" Pisti yelled.

"Because we are the only ones who know about him, and now you know. Trust us, he's dangerous." Sin explained. Sharrkan gave a glare at him before turning back to Pisti. Pisti groaned and stomped her foot. Now she just wanted to meet this guy even more. Slowly, she nodded and everyone let out a relieved sigh.

But of course, Pisti wouldn't do as she was told to.

Time skip:

Pisti strolled around the palace after dinner. No one was outside of their rooms, so that made her life much more easier. She'd been thinking about where that mysterious boys bedroom must've been for the past few minutes, but finally came to a conclusion. Since the others called him "dangerous" then he'd be locked up in a cell to not cause trouble.

Slowly, Pisti made her way to the dungeon where they kept prisoners. It was small, mostly because Sinbad didn't like to take prisoners, and cramped, but she made her way through it. Pisti peered into the first cell and saw nothing. Then she did the second one. Nothing. Third, nothing. Fourth, nothing. Then she came to the last one; the fifth cell, and she opened it.

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