Chapter Six: Wishing Wells and Secret Spells

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    Where the fuck was I? I blink and take in my surroundings

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    Where the fuck was I? I blink and take in my surroundings. My last memory was of being swamped by pain in Branuel's castle and then...nothing. What had I done?
    Shit! Did I make a wish? I did. I did make a wish. I wished I was back on Earth. But I hadn't specified where, or when, or how...just that I wished to be back on Earth. So now here I was...but where I was...that was a whole nother' question. God I needed to get a handle on this Genie shit and fast because this could get old, and quick.
"You look lost cherie...are you lost?" The voice comes out of the dark and I startle, turning quickly. Stepping out of the shadows is a man, a very, very handsome man.
"Uhmmm...I'm not lost," I lie, "I'm just slightly uh, turned around."
"Turned around," he says, clearly amused by my answer.
"Fine, shit, where the hell am I?" I ask.
The handsome man bows with a flourish and suddenly the shadows seem to part to reveal a building behind him with a glowing sign. "You are at Plaisirs nocturnes."
"Night Pleasures?" I scoff. "What's that, a strip club?"
"If you wish."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"No, I am the sorry one, let me introduce myself, my name is Helios Mortaine, and I am the owner of this lovely establishment." I stare at him until he smirks and says, "This is usually when you return the favor and introduce yourself, cherie."
I worry my bottom lip between my teeth before answering. "Uhmmm I'm Annora Park," I intentionally leave out my middle names.
"Well, bonjour Annora Park, and welcome to my humble establishment."
"I'm sorry," I say, "Is this really a strip club?" I definitely had no intention of going to a strip club. Stupid wish.
Helios laughs. "As I said, if you wish. It is what you wish it to be."
"What the fuck does that mean?"
"Ahhhh, cherie, I believe I like you."
"Well whoop-dee-fucking-doo."
"Now I know I like you."
"Listen, dude, I'm fast losing my patience here. Frankly I've had a shit week and I just want to go home. Instead I'm standing in the dark somehow seeing a building that seemed to come out of nowhere and being told that if I wish it to be it could be a fucking strip club. So either explain, or just point me to the nearest metro station, cause I'd like to leave."
"Oh, but you needn't leave yet, cherie, you haven't seen anything. And I wish to get to know you are so very alluring."
"It's the freaky eyes and weird ass hair, right?" I say dryly.
He laughs. "No, although I'll admit both your eyes and hair are beyond beautiful. No, it is you. There is just something about you that seems to call to me."
"Oh way...been there, done that..." Four times in fact, "...have no intention of doing it again. So yeah, how bout' you tell me where that metro is, okay?"
"Wait, what? No?"
"No, I don't believe I shall tell you. As I said, I wish to get to know you better. Come, let me show you in inside of my place and we can get better acquainted, belle fille."
"I'm not your beautiful anything, mister. And I don't think I want to get to know you better. So, you know what, just scram. I'll find my way back home on my own, thank you very much."
"I wish I didn't have to do this the hard way, cherie," And suddenly he blows some sort of dust in my face and I fall myself falling...falling...falling under.

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