Chapter Fourteen: Death and Daytime Dreaming

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	Ugh, my head was killing me

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Ugh, my head was killing me.  What was the last thing I remember...oh yeah, I'd been Treading and then, hell, I'd passed out.  I blink and try to let things come into focus.  Black and red drapery, dim candlelight, big massive bed with satin sheets...oh great, I was back in Helios's office at Night Pleasures.  I sit up and look at my hands and realize there's no blood on them.  When I'd wiped my face I'd definitely gotten blood on them, but now they were clean and blood free.
   "Yes, I cleaned you up a bit, cherie." Helios says striding into the room looking darkly dangerous and beautiful as ever.
   "Uh, thanks..." I get to my feet and groan when my head begins to swim.  "Thanks for cleaning me up and for...uh...not just leaving me..."
   Helios looks affronted.  "Hell, who or what do you take me for, cherie.  I would never have left you passed out there.  Of course I brought you back here and tried to care for you as best I could while you were in your...state."
   That was actually kinda sweet.  And I didn't know quite what to make of it either.  "How long have I been out?"
   "The entire night.  It's morning cherie."
   "Oh damn it," I rub my eyes.  "God, listen, I have a ton of shit to do, Helios.  I need to check in with my partner and get shit straightened out, then I have to meet with my Fairy..." I break off before I can finish.  Something in me was screaming not to tell Helios about Branuel and Terrenel, at least not yet.
   "Oh do go on, cherie.  You have to meet with your Fairy what?"
   "Uh my Fairy contact.  Uhmmm...they may have some insight on what's going on."
   Helios snorts.  "Good luck with that, cherie.  The Fairies are condescending, uptight, high handed bastards, the lot of them.  Nothing that happens in the in-between will interest them.  They are too good for us, here, you understand."
   "Hey, you don't know that.  And not all Fairies are like that." I feel the irrational need to defend my bonded.
   "They are.  They stay in Tir Na nOg, and they worship their goddess and allow the rest of the realms to wreck and ruin...they do not care about any of us.  They most certainly will not care when they learn who you are working for."
   "Who I work for makes no difference.  They respect my position and they will help me if I ask."
   "Again, good luck with that, cherie." Helios holds out his hand.  "But surely you have time for a meal at least?" And just as if on cue, my stomach loudly grumbles causing Helios to laugh.  Helios leads me down stairs to the kitchen and I'm impressed by how large and immaculate it is.  "Foster here will make you anything you like, he's the best chef in the in-between, probably the best chef anywhere."
   "Thank you Master," Foster inclines his head and smiles at me.  "Mistress...what would you like?"
   "Uh...just Annora, or Parks if you prefer." I almost laugh at the horrified expression that crosses Foster's face.  Helios sighs.
   "You can refer to her as Mistress Park."
   "Helios that—"
   "—How things are done here, Annora cherie."
   I roll my eyes.  And then turn back to Foster.  "Uhmmm...waffles? I'd love some waffles."
   Foster's eyes practically glow with happiness.  "Oh yes, I will make you stupendous waffles Mistress Park."
   Helios leads me to a sitting area and beckons me to sit, I do.  I scrunch up my nose when he slides in to sit next to me, so close I can practically feel the heat of his thigh against mine.
   "Again, you're crowding me, Helios."
   "Oh pardon me, cherie," he says but makes no move to move away.  Ugh.
It's not much longer before I have a huge plate of beautiful golden waffles topped with whipped cream and strawberries in front of me.  My mouth practically salivates and Helios laughs.
   "Go on, cherie, eat."
   I don't need more urging, I dive into my meal.  I moan as the flavors burst over my tongue and it's only after I've taken several bites do I realize the heat of a singular gaze upon my person.  Helios is staring at me so intently he could burn a hole through my head.
   "Uhhh sorry..." I mutter.  "It's just really, really good."
   His eyes grow hot and his smile is positively sinful.  He leans over and breathes into my ear, " continue.  You eat as if making love to the food.  It is...indescribable, cherie." 
   I move a little away from him, but I don't' have a lot of room, no where to 'run' to.  "Back off, Mortaine!" I hold up the fork as if to stab him with it and know my eyes are burning now. 
   Helios cocks his head to the side and continues to smile.  "What, cherie? I'm not doing anything."
   "You know what you're doing,"
   "What, Annora what? Were you going to say demon?  I am that cherie, a demon.  I may be the Lord of the in-between, and I've cut my ties with my father, but that does not negate the fact that I am, a demon.  And, know this cherie...demons are great at the Hunt."
What the fuck?
   "I have no idea what the hell you're talking about, Mortaine."
   "When a demon has gotten a taste of something they like, they hunt it.  There is nowhere our prey can run that we will not find it...make it ours."
Why did I have a feeling there was a double meaning here? One I didn't like.  Not one little bit.
   "Still no clue what you're fucking talking about," I fib and wave the fork in his face.  "If you get any closer to me I'll stab you with my fucking fork, got it, Mortaine."
   "I believe I'd like that, cherie."
   Oh God...not another one.  I seriously did not need this in my life right now.  "Back off, Mortaine."
   My fork clatters to the plate and I gape at him.  "What?"
   "I said no, cherie.  I am brutally honest, and I shall ever be so with you.  I will not back off.  I've had a taste of you and now I know what I want."
   "What the fuck!" I shove at him but can't move him.  "Let me out.  You're nuts."
   "I may be a little nuts, but that doesn't change my intent, cherie.  I want you.  And I intend you have you.  Consider this my declaration of intent."
   I blink and then blink again.  " can't just say something like that." I mutter.
   Helios laughs.  "Why not.  It is as I said, I will always be honest with you, Annora cherie.  I want you."
   "Well you can't fucking have me!" I shriek.
   "Why not?"
   My mouth drops open and I stare at him stupidly.  Speak Annora, speak you idiot.  "Because...because...I...I...don't fucking want you, you idiot!"
   "Ahhhh cherie, do not lie to me, I know you are attracted to me, I can sense how interested you are in me."
He could sense it? What the hell? Okay, so I thought he was handsome as hell but that didn't mean I wanted him.
   "Listen you giant idiot, I can think you're handsome and not want you."
   "I knew you thought me handsome." Helios reaches over and grabs a strand of my long hair and fingers it.  "I think you're magnificent, cherie.  So beautiful it hurts to look at you."
   I jerk my hair out of his grasp and glare at him.  "I don't want you, Mortaine."
   "Not yet."
   "Not ever!"
   "We'll see," he says smugly and I want to punch him in his oh-so-handsome face.
   "Okay, let me out! Let me out right now.  Breakfast time is over." I say a little prayer of thanks when he slides out and lets me out.  I really didn't want to bleed him at breakfast, but I would've if he hadn't moved.  "I'm leaving now, Mortaine."
   Helios holds out his hands and smiles.  "There's nothing keeping you here, cherie.  I know where to find you, and find you again I shall.  As I said, we demons love a good hunt."
   I almost stomp my foot like a child throwing a temper tantrum, but stop myself (thank God).  "Tell me where to catch the metro..."
   Helios laughs.  "Oh no my cherie.  If you want to leave you know what you must do.  I shall not be taking you this time."
   Fuck! I turn away from him, so he can't see my face.  I put Walker's house in my minds eyes and then whisper, "I wish I was at Walker's house right now." And phase out.

" And phase out

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