Chapter Ten: Outskirts of the In-Between

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    Walker and Chamuel spell me and I won't lie, it feels a little bit weird

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    Walker and Chamuel spell me and I won't lie, it feels a little bit weird. Like having this invisible shield around me that you can feel but can't see. It's going to take a little getting used to. But hell, I'll deal if it means that Helios Mortaine won't discover what I am. At nine o'clock sharp I'm ready. I've armed myself with my daggers and now that I can conjure my sword I feel even safer. Having Walker and Chamuel at my sides doesn't hurt either. At nine o'one the door bell rings and I'm surprised again at how civil Helios is being. I hadn't expected it from him, especially not after that dirty trick he'd played on me—yeah, the kidnapping thing.
    Walker opens the door and Helios strides in confidently as if he doesn't have a care in the fucking world. This time he's not dressed conservatively and I gulp. He's wearing leather pants that look painted on, and a white shirt that he has unbuttoned showing off his rather impressive chest...Jesus, does he have an eight pack? No. Bad, bad Annora. You are not looking at the suspicious demon. He gives me a look as if to say he knows what I'm thinking and it makes me like him a little less—not that I really liked him to begin with.
"You look absolutely delicious, cherie."
I wrinkle my nose. I'm wearing tight black jeans with studs, a blood red blouse, steel toe boots and my signature duster. I've hidden weapons everywhere (one of the best parts of wearing a duster—hides things great). I've pulled my hair back and braided it, and have hidden daggers in my hair as well.
"I'm not something you eat, Helios," I mutter.
"You'd be surprised, cherie at what I like to eat..." he murmurs and his voice is like liquid sex. Oyyyy...maybe this wasn't such a good idea.
I told you, beloved. The demon is not to be trusted.
And I told you, I'm not an idiot. I'm just going to check things out, see if I can get a read on it, and then I'm outta there, okay?
As if I could stop you, Chamuel sighs.
"You will need to tone down your Heavenly light," Helios says, addressing Chamuel.
Chamuel makes a moue of distaste but immediately dims his heavenly light. Unfortunately, as he had once told me, there is nothing he can do about the circlet of gold on his head.
"Yes...that is a tad bit better." Helios says dryly. "Although you still look like an angel."
"And you still look like demonspawn," Chamuel counters.
Helios sighs. "Are we going to have a problem, Heavenly Host?"
"Not unless you make one, Mortaine."
"I have no intention of causing problems. I would never do that to my cherie."
I roll my eyes. "Thanks," I say dryly. Helios then turns those dark as midnight eyes to me and frowns.
"There is something different about you tonight...something...suppressed...I do not like it. I cannot feel you as much as I could." Helios turns furious eyes to Chamuel and Walker then. "What did you do? What did you do to ma cherie?"
"We did nothing that didn't need to be done," Chamuel answers smoothly.
"Listen demonspawn," Walker snaps, "You're taking my baby girl into this dark, weird, suspicious stands to reason that we'd fortify her a bit. You have no say in this. You're not a part of this."
Helios clenches his hands into tight fists and growls...he actually growls.
"Stop that!" I snap. "Stop that right now. You don't get to come into my Walker's home and growl at us. If you can't act civil then we'll just call this entire thing off."
Helios seems to compose himself and takes a few deep breaths. "I apologize, ma cherie, I was just momentarily startled by the fact that I couldn't feel you as strongly as was disconcerting."
"Well just deal with it."
"I suppose I must." Helios holds out his hands and I stare at them warily.
"Uh-huh, yeah what am I supposed to do."
"You will take my hands, ma cherie. Your bonded will touch your shoulders and I shall phase us to the in-between."
"Just like that," I say dryly.
"Just like that," He agrees simply.
I hesitantly take his hands and begin to ask if it's going to feel like when I portaled to Fairy for the first time, but one look from Chamuel shuts me up.
"Okay, I guess I'm ready."
Helios smiles widely. "Oh you're ready ma cherie, you're more than ready. Do not worry, you may feel the pull of shadows but nothing more. Nothing will hurt you while I am with you." Helios closes his eyes squeezes my hands and just like that we disappear.

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