I cant hold him back

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Ashley's pov
I don't think there is a better feeling than how I feel about Jace. It's like being on a cloud of happiness, that no matter how hard I try, I will never be able to get down. We spend so much time together. Laughing and talking and kissing and cuddling... Okay too much information! I wonder if I'm spending too much time with Jace? If I'm ignoring my friends like Jamie, whose been there for me all the way? Everyone at school seems really happy for us. They started calling us Jashley! But are they just being nice to our faces? I feel bad for even thinking stuff like this. I love Jace, and nothing can change that, but I want to have a balanced life. I wake up and get a text from Jace
J morning beautiful ☀️
A I could get used to that name😊
J ok beautiful
A haha
J we walking to school together
A yah with Jamie right
J right
A see you in a few babe😘
J love you
End of convo
Ashley's pov
I put my phone away and get ready. I forgot to eat and ran out the door. Jace was already waiting with Jamie. I went up to Jace and gave him a kiss. "Awe look at Jashley!" Jamie said all baby like. "Yeah yeah!" Jace and I said at the same time. "I knew you two were meant for each other! I called it!" Trust me. I love Jamie, but sometimes you just wish she'd shut up! Jace took my hand and we started walking. Jace looked oddly nice today. I mean, he always looks hot, but today he looked even more hot. We got to school and everyone smiled at us and said stuff like "yeah! Go Jashley!" It's funny how people barley noticed us before we started dating, but now we're the top conversation! It's cool that people support us. Even if they didn't I wouldn't care. As I said before, I love Jace. I have no idea why he loves me back, but I know we were meant for each other.

Jace's pov
Oh man! How am I going to tell her? I dressed nice and I've been trying to figure out how I would tell her. It's not that big a deal. I mean, it's just an audition. I probably won't even get it! Let me explain. I got an audition for a show that's opening with a movie. It's called Henry danger and its on nickelodeon. The problem is that I would have to stay in San Diego for a while, while we shoot the first part of the show. I don't even know if I will get the role! Later at lunch I took her outside and we sat under a tree. "So Ashley, I've been meaning to tell you. I auditioned for a big role on a nickelodeon show. And if I get the role I would have to move away for a while." She sat there and I thought I saw a flicker of sadness in her eyes, but she quickly replaced it with a smile. "That's great! I hope you get it!" I could tell she was hiding the fact that she didn't want me to leave. We dropped the subject for now because she said she had to go. I don't want to leave her. I'm also afraid she and/or Jamie would murder me. And I have to leave for like a month! What if she moved on while I'm gone! I don't want to lose her because of some show!

Ashley's pov
Jace told me about the audition. This could be his big break! He could be a movie star! Then the part hit me about moving away. If he gets the role, I don't want to make him feel bad for leaving, i don't want him to leave, but I can't make him stay because of me. I can't hold him back. Is that what I'm doing? Am I just holding him back? He's meant to do great things and here I am holding him back. I can't do that anymore. I can't hold him back. I was thinking about all this while lying on my bed. Then Jace texted me.
J hey can I come over
A yeah why
J got to tell you something
A kk
J be over in 5
A see you then😘
End of convo
I already knew what he had to tell me.

Jace's pov
I got the role. Now I have to tell Ashley.

Ashley's pov
I was still laying on my bed watching tv when Jace came in and sat next to me. "So what's the news?" I asked like I didn't already know. "Well I got the role." I knew it. He had to leave me. "That's great!" I said false happy. "That means I have to leave. But I won't go of you don't want me to!" He quickly said. At that moment I made a decision. I wouldn't hold him back anymore. I could feel myself start to cry so I buried my face in my pillows. "Hey it's ok I won't go!" He saw that I was crying. "No! No! You can't give up your dream!" I sat up. "That's why I think we should break up." I started to cry harder, uncontrollably. "Hold me back? Your what makes me get up in the morning! Your what I live for! Hold me back? You push me forward! I love you Ashley! Come here!" I buried myself in his chest and he hugged me tight. I couldn't leave him even if I tried. I sat up and he kissed me for a long time. He started kissing my neck and we just sat like that for a while. Then we laid down together and watched Netflix for a while. "When do you leave?" I asked. "In a week." He said sadly. Then he perked up. "Which is why I got you this." He took a silver heart shaped locket with flower engravings and an A engraved on it, out of his pocket. He put it around my neck and I opened it. It was a picture of us. We were at the park and he was holding me bridal style while we kissed. "It's beautiful." Was all I could manage. "So you don't forget me." He said. I kissed him and we laid down together. Then I said. "I could never forget you Jace Norman." I fell asleep in his arms. I felt truly safe when I was with him.

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