The beginning/introduction

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Ashley's pov
Hi. I'm Ashley, I'm 13 and I've lived in California my entire life. In case you haven't noticed already I'm pretty boring. I mean, sure I play sports and music and stuff, but other than that I'm pretty average. There is absolutely nothing special about me. When Jace moved next door a couple of years ago we became instant best friends. He loves acting and he actually has gotten some roles on various things. I leave the acting to him though. I'm completely fine with being just one more person who gets an everyday job when I grow up. I don't need every person on earth to know who I am. Not that Jace is like that. He is really sweet. People always ask if it's awkward that one of my best friends is a guy, or if we would start dating in the future. Sometimes I consider it, but we just don't see each other that way. At least, I don't think he looks at me that way... Does he?

Present day
I wake up to the lovely sound of my alarm clock sing screeching in my ear. Great, school. I haul myself out of bed and go take a shower then I get dressed in a flowered tank top, a white sweater and white jeans. I throw my stuff in my bag and go downstairs to my mother making French toast. "Morning!" She chirped at me. "I wish it wasn't!" I replied. "Well you may not like school, but at least you shouldn't go on an empty stomach!" She put a plate in front of me. I sat down and started shoving chunks of French toast into my mouth. Then I got a text from Jace.
J hey I thought we were walking to school together
A we are
J well where are you
A eating food so I don't starve to death
J well would you not starve to death faster
A I'm coming I'm coming
A sheesh!
End of convo
I finish my breakfast and grab my bag. "Bye mom!" I shouted as I ran out the door. I think she said something but I had already left. When I got outside Jace was already waiting for me. "What took you so long?" He joked. "I'm a female human, I'm naturally slow!" I said sarcastically. "You know, us girls actually care about how we present ourselves to the general public." We laughed and started walking and talking. We picked up my other best friend Jamie along the way. We just talked about random stuff until we got to school. That was kind of my crew. With the occasional other friend on the side. But they were the closest people to me. Especially Jace. Uh in a friend sort of way. Jamie and I had our first class together so we went to our lockers then to class. "So are you going to ask Jace out or are you waiting for him to make the first move?" Jamie said out of nowhere. "What? Haha very funny!" For some reason I sounded really weird when I said that. "Oh come on! You two clearly like each other!" "As friends!" I nearly shouted so the whole hall could hear. She was right though. Things had been kind of off between me and Jace lately. I catch him staring at me sometimes then I catch myself staring at him. We also would sometimes just say something then everything gets really quiet and awkward. Maybe we do have feelings for each other. We get to class and Jamie sits next to me. "Well if your not sure if he likes you just ask him!" Jamie said. Crap! Have I been thinking out loud this whole time? "Yep!" She said. "Crap I did it again!" This time I was sure I said that. The rest of class goes by and I'm not really paying attention. Later I have a class with Jace so I sat next to him. "Hey!" I said all cheerful. "Hey." he said back. There was kind of an awkward silence then he said. "So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come to the carnival on Saturday with me?" He seemed kind of nervous. "Uh sure! Is Jamie going to come?" I asked even though I kind of knew the answer. "Um no. She won't be there. Is that ok?" He wouldn't look me in the eye. "Yeah that's totally cool!" Saved it! Oh no! Is this a date? Does he really like me? Do I like him? We've been friends for years and this has never been a problem. "You never know. Maybe I'll win you a giant stuffed panda." He joked. "I think it's more likely that I'll win you one!" We started laughing again. "You have a beautiful laugh." He said then turned bright red. "Um. I mean not like in a weird way! I'm just saying you don't have a donkey laugh! Yeah! Thats what I meant!" He blurted out. "Um thank you?" The rest of the went by and I could not stop thinking about Jace. Was this really a date? Of was I just imagining things? This whole thing could be a mix up! He could have just been being friendly! After all, we are best friends! It was Friday so the "date" was tomorrow. We all walked home together and by the time we got to my house it was just me and Jace. We said goodbye and hugged, but it didn't feel like our regular hug. We pulled away awkwardly and he said "so I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" I nodded and he started to walk towards his house next to mine and I called after him, "I'm looking forward to that panda!" I saw him smiling as he walked away. "Gosh he's cute!" Wait. Did I say that out loud?

I'll never forget you Jace NormanWhere stories live. Discover now