Watermelon Sunset

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I Apologize for not uploading sooner I've been busy with school but anyway. Here's something quick I wrote. Please be patient with me❤️😭-Lani

I was blindfolded as he navigated me through what I guessed was a dense forest. We've been dating for about 5 months now and somehow my little ball of sunshine always surprises me. All I could sense was the smell of wet leaves and dirt. I had no sense of direction. I just trusted that Hinata didn't get us lost like always. Then all of a sudden we stopped. We stood for a second before he said something.

"Okay take off the blindfold." I slowly removed the cloth from my eyes, squinting half because I couldn't see half because my eyes were adjusting to the bright sun. I pulled my glasses from my pocket placing them on my face pushing them up with my middle finger. I opened my eyes to see a picnic in the middle of the clearing above a steep cliff.


"Do you like it? I know you don't like outdoors but I-"

"It's perfect."

"Really you like it?"

I went up to my tangerine squishing his cheeks and peppering kisses on them. He was just so cute as his orange hair was so beautiful against the sunset in the background. "Okay, Okay. let's eat." He said giggling as I held his face in my hand. After that, we sat down and ate. He packed mostly fruit and strawberry cake. He knew my favorite.

Most of the time I was just staring at him while he. Made a dumb joke or giggle when I would say something sarcastic. Damn, he was beautiful, his whole body seemed to glow. As he gulped down the last bit of watermelon his eyes lit up. "I have an idea."

"Which is?"
"We should play hide and seek!"

"So you could get lost?"

"I won't get lost." He pouted when I started chuckling at his statement. Picking him up, placing him on my lap his ginger hair fell over my shoulder.

"I'd never leave you, you know that."

"Of course I do."


"I'd be really sad."

"Yes, we can't have that." I squeezed his waist closer to me. Holding him tight to my body. Just sharing the moment. Feeling our souls connect. We just took a second to breathe as I slowly closed my eyes while relaxing.

I woke up and the star colored sky entered my view. Man, how long was I out? I see my little tangerine snoring softly on my chest. I run my fingers through his hair. I feel bad that I have to wake him.



"Wake up Baby."

"I don't wanna."

"We can't sleep outside."

"Yes, we can~"

"It won't be comfortable."

"I don't care."

"How about if I let you stay the night at mine."

"Really?!" He jumped up and he was full of energy. He jumped around a lot as we packed up. How could he change his attitude so quickly? Man, I guess I'll never understand that little tangerine.

"Alright, babe lets go," I call back to him but I get no answer. "Hinata?" I look around but I can't find the ball of energy anywhere. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice the bush rustle, and a laugh comes from it. Could he be any more obvious? I step over to the bush silently. Grabbing him by his waist putting him in the air.

"What did I say about hiding and seek."

"I didn't get lost did I " he grinned at me. I held him as he wrapped his legs around my waist. "Alright, no more games let's go home."

"He said okay." But I could see in his eyes he was scheming something. "Babe I'm serious."

"Mhm, I'm serious too." He couldn't help but giggle. I thought in my head and came up with an appetizing plan. As I finished packing things up. We were headed towards the car. I could see him smiling uncontrollably. So I had no choice but to put him in his place.

Erratically I just stopped walking and he looked at me confused. I started walking towards him without saying a word. "Tsuki?" I continued sauntering toward him until he was backed against a tree. I leaned down and kissed his neck softly nipping his skin bruising his skin. He whimpered quietly; it went faintly quiet except for the chirps of the crickets. I growled softly into his ear he shivered. But afterward, I just stood up and kept walking.

"You were such a good boy, behave and I'll give you a reward."

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