The Crows Forest

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Hello everyone hope you having a good day. This one is just a concept I have might make more parts.

I hate this town and everything in it. I just want to run away where nobody knows my name. I've lived in this little town my whole life. Wondering the streets to get to know all the residents. Sure it's a small safe community but. I want something more from life than this. More than staying here and taking over my family's bakery downtown.

It was a dreary Saturday in early September. It sprinkled but not pouring rain. The rain was accompanied by wind that below with a gentle sway. I strayed off the path walking into the woods just beyond the gate of my neighborhood.
The woods were called the Crows' Woods because they were said to be home to beautiful magical crow spirits that watch over the forest.

But that was just a story parents told to keep their children from leaving this old town. But a part of me still believed it. I never knew if there was a bit of my childhood that was attached to that story. It might be the reason I've stayed for so long.

I wandered into the woods. The air smelled of wet leaves and rotted timber. My feet were heavy as they crunched down into the wet leaves. I continued my solemn stroll through the forest. Not going in a specific direction just letting my brain take over. I've walked through these woods a lot. Especially when I was younger it made me feel safe and less alone.

I shut my eyes for a second before taking notice of something crashing into the leaves behind me.
At first, I assumed someone was following me but when I turned around I saw a small black twitching thing it was dark like pen ink. A large contrast to the brown and yellow foliage.
As I got closer to it I noticed the thing was a crow but the weird thing about it was. It had streaks of bright orange in its feathers. I picked up the small bird.

I had a fondness for small animals like this one. I stroke the bird's head. Its feathers were delicate and tame. The bird was still twitching. I gently pulled on its wing. It seemed to be broken. "Poor thing," I whisper petting the bird's head.

I walk back through the woods with more purpose than before. I trace my steps back to the sidewalk of West Lincoln. Walking East towards my house. On the way back the rain started to heavy. I zipped open my jacket shielding the poor thing from the rain. I shuffle into the house quickly taking off my shoes.

"Tsuki, what you got there."

I turn
My head to see my mom leaning against the kitchen counter. Sipping her coffee. She wasn't home that often mostly because she had a lot of work. Or because she tried to ignore me as much as possible.
I pull my hand holding the bird from beneath my jacket putting it on display for her.

"Hmm... a crow? he's a funny lookin' one." She gazed over it tilting at the sight of the bird's odd coloring. As I was about to speak my brother walked into the kitchen with a bowl. He glances over at my hand before looking back towards the sink.

"Ahh...Tsuki is still bringing back animals from the wild I see. I'll start digging a hole in the yard." He says in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up, he isn't going to die." I glare towards my brother. Whose staring into the sink washing his bowl. After he puts it on the drying rack. He turns back around to face me.

"Whatever you say Mr. Vet."

"Whatever I'm leaving." I turn from them walking into my room. I set the tiny creature on a towel that is placed on my desk. I stroked the bird's head. It seemed to be calm and nuzzling against my fingers. I pull a box and pull out some bandages. I began wrapping the bird's wing. It let out small squawks.

"It's okay little guy you're okay." He seems to calm down again. I finish wrapping his wing before standing and admiring my bandaging skills. "Okay I'll be right. back, stay here." I pat the birds head one more time before leaving the room.

I come back fresh out of the shower with a towel wrapped around my waist. I look over and the bird's head is turned away from me. It's almost like he's embarrassed. "What a funny little creature you are."
I purr petting his breast feathers.

I quickly get dressed and hop into bed. before turning off the lights I say. "Good night little buddy."

I hop into bed drowning in drowsiness. I feel my eyelids sting with sleepiness so I close them. Drifting off to somewhere else.

Hinata's Pov

I'm so happy I can barely contain myself. I've watched over Tsukishima since he first came into the woods. He was different. everyone else. Who just walked the trails they all followed a path. But he got lost in it but always seemed to know where he was. He always helped small animals. He was so kind and so beautiful.

I told mama and papa about him and they told me to stay away from humans. But I couldn't stay away from him. When he stroked my feathers it gave me such a buzz. I needed to be near him. Wind flows around me as my beak shrinks into a tiny fleshy one. My whole body elongated and I formed hands and toes. I was human.

Like most of my kind, we have human forms. But because we don't interact with humans that often we don't usually use them. I grab a shirt from his closet to clothe my exposed skin.

'It smells of him' I think as I pull it over my head. The shirt reaches my low thigh and I realize how small. my human compared to his. I crawl into his bed. Hugging him tightly around the neck. " You're my human now." I nuzzled into his chest as this is my first time feeling human skin. His skin is so soft and delicate. I used my fingers to trace his face.

"My human."

I just love this concept but tell me what you guys think. -Lani
P.S: feel free to read my other stories.

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