Till The End of Time 2

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We're not gonna comment about how I was gone for 8 months so..........Enjoy!!


We got almost curious stares as I dragged the blonde jerk down the hall. We walked outside to the club room in order to change. It smelled of sweat and old newspapers. I almost miss it. When we got there the floor was littered with duffle bags.
"Aww now we're late." I pouted.

"I wouldn't be late if it wasn't for you." Tsuki stuck his nose in the air.

"Oh shut up."
I rolled my eyes at him. We got dressed in silence which was fine for me. Once we were done we headed down to the gym.

"You seem really different somehow, carrot top." Tsuki muttered, opening the door.

"Aww Tsuki was that a compliment." I pouted. As he smacked the back of my head. In sync with the door closing behind us.

"Of course not you idiot and don't call me-." His eyes instantly went to something behind my head. I turned around and all eyes were on us. Suga mama was the first to speak.

"Tsukishima, you brought him back." He said coming toward me and hugging me tightly. He looked up at me.
" you got so tall." He says in astonishment.

"I guess I have," I replied, scratching the back of my head nervously. The rest of the team crowded around me.
"So Hinata where were you all break?"

"Ah,um I went to America to visit my parents!" I mumbled chuckling. I was bombarded with questions about my visit. My well being. I talked a bit about my friends and my experience. Surprisingly no one commented on me and Kageyama.

Speaking of him, he seemed to stay on the court. Throwing balls in the air. I push past my teammates towards him. They all seemed to hold their breaths.
"Hey, Kags." I chirped happily. Everyone flinched when they heard me speak like they expected something different.

"Oh uh, hello Hinata." He said coldly.

"Aww Kags don't be so cold. We're still friends, aren't we?" I smiled, feeling everyone's curious glances.

"Uh yea, I guess." He said a little nervously like I was some stranger. Everyone had already found their place on the court. I eventually found mine as well.
I had started brushing up on my skills that had gotten rusty over the summer. Mid practice I was approached by Noya-Senpai.

I looked down at him as he sniffled quietly.
When he looked up at me he was sniffing with tears in his eyes.
"Hinata, how could you?" He muttered lightly.

"Huh? Noya-San what's wrong, what happened?"

"You decided to grow without me, how could you?" He yelled and everyone turned. Tsuki snickered, hiding it by pushing up his glasses. "Shut the hell up Tsukishima." Noya yelled with tears in his eyes.
He clung to my shirt as I chuckled awkwardly.

"I'm sorry Noya-Senpai, I didn't mean too."

"Come on Yuu let's go." Tanaka-Senpai had started pulling Noya. But he was clenched tightly onto my shirt. Probably the most calm I've ever seen Tanaka-Senpai. He whispered into the Libero's ear afterwards Noya jumped away from me.

As he bowed deeply.
"I'm sorry Hinata I don't know what came over me." He said mumbling as his face was littered with a light blush. I consoled him. We hugged as I stared at Tanaka-San with a kind of smirk.

He looked back with wide eyes as I whispered:
"So he's yours huh."  I smiled at him as I let go of Noya senpai. He came up to me staring me in my eyes.

"How did you figure it out? We haven't told anyone." He whispered in my ear.

"I just picked it up I guess but calm down I'll keep your secret." I smiled at Tanaka-Senpai. It was great to be home.Suga approached me looking me up and down as I chuckled nervously.

"Hinata you seem really different." He gave me a sideward glance.

"Do I ?" I chuckled nervously.

Tsukishima came up behind me giggling. He was hiding it before but now he was laughing openly and freely.

"Aw tsuki, you're so cute. I said, pinching his cheeks.

"What-wh-no I am not watch it shorty." he instantly frowned.

I chuckled as he looked like an upset hamster. I couldn't understand how you could have found this guy intimidating.
Practice went on pretty normally as well as normal as it could be with the team's dynamic duo not talking to each other.

Well it seemed like it was mostly Kageyama who had a problem. It's almost like he forgot he broke up with me. During most of practice I hung out with yams and Tsukki. Yamaguchi seemed to enjoy my company while Tsukishima only seemed to tolerate it.

Practice was over. We were all in the club room changing out of our sweaty clothes. I was putting my black studs back in. When Tsukishima decided to comment.
"Woah shrimp you got your ears pierced now you look the part of a baby-faced delinquent." I only rolled my eyes.

"Well I think he looks cool." Yamaguchi added.

"Thanks, yams." I smiled as I pulled my shirt over my head.

"Woah cool Hinata is that a tattoo," Yamaguchi asked.
That seemed to catch everyone's attention.

"Oh uh yea it's just some shitty stick and poke tattoo my friend gave me." I chuckled, rubbing my head. Before throwing on the rest of my clothes.
Tsukishima just kind of stood there glaring at me.

"Who are you?" he asked most likely to himself but I felt the need to answer anyway.

"The gremlin that lives under your bed." I laughed as he looked at me surprised. Wiping my tears as I headed toward my bike to get home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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