The Crows Forest Part 2: A rival

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Hello my dears I've been very neglectful towards my stories please forgive me I've been going though somethings. I'm hoping to be become more frequent with posting. Anyway hope you all enjoy!!

•Tsukishima's Pov•
I crack my eyes open at the sound of my alarm. A sound I've grown to hate. Once I open my eyes fully I notice the tiny bird nuzzled into my chest. Just under it a shirt. I don't remember taking that shirt out nor. Do I remember how the bird ended up there? Did it do it on its own? How cute.

I yawned picking the bird up off my chest. Even while it was sleeping it nuzzled into my hand. What an oddly affectionate creature. Usually, the animals I saved would be quite distant for a couple of days. But the little crow seemed clingy if anything.
I lay the small bird on my pillow as I got ready for work. During the weekdays in the summer I helped around the bakery. Usually just cleaning up and throwing out stale goods.

I walked out of the room leaving the bird on my pillow so I could brush my teeth. Afterward, I walk back into the room and I see the oddly colored blob hopping on the pillow.

•Hinata's Pov•
'Aww I must have turned back in my sleep'

I walk around his pillow before plopping down.
My wing still hurts but not as much as yesterday.
I noticed him looking at me through the doorway.
He just tapped his chin, staring at me.
He walked toward me but grabbed right past me grabbing his glasses.

I screeched at him. His eyes shot to me in an instant. How dare he ignore me for those stupid glasses. In the door sat stood his older brother looking annoyed and holding his ears.

"Keep your fucking bird down."He looked a lot like my Tsuki though he wasn't as cute nor did he have glasses.

"Right I will." Tsuki didn't even turn to look at him. He just looked down at the ground. He looked so defeated did I get him in trouble? After that stupid, idiot, jerk face left. My perfect Tsuki got dressed. I turned around and I couldn't bear to see him. But I still felt really bad for getting him in trouble.

I hopped around the bed some more. He hasn't even looked in my direction. 'Oh, my perfect Tsuki I'm so sorry.'

-Time Skip-
•Tsukishima's POV•
I hung my coat on the rack. Being careful slipping on my apron. I took the tiny bird from my head and placed it in my breast pocket. "You okay in there little Buddy?"
I spoke in a soft voice and the little guy popped his head out of the pocket. So I took that as a yes.

I was wiping the counters when I heard the bell on the door jingle.




"I told you to call me Ichi silly."
She smiled bouncing towards me. She hugged me and I immediately pushed her off.
"Aww Tsukikins..."

She said more things but I wasn't paying attention. I opened my breast pocket and I smiled slightly at the sleeping chick. I sigh heavily "Thank goodness."

"Thank goodness for what?" She cocked her head to the side. "Hey! What's in there." She said, pulling on the pocket. She peaked in. Once she saw him she screeched. Waking him up. I sigh heavily again in annoyance this time.

"Aww, Tsuki he's so small what is he?

"A crow."

"He can't be a crow, crow's are all black. Besides he's a bit on the tiny side."

"I know that but he's a crow though I don't know why he's orange." The little bird slowly poked out my pocket." She immediately tried to grab him. I pushed her hand away.

"Tsuki why are you being so mean!."

"Kaneko-Sama please leave."


"Kan-just get out."

She walked out storming. Mumbling something under her breath.
"Stupid bird."

The day went fine though it was odd none of my family came to check on me. But I don't care much for that anyway. Finally, I was on break. I went to the door flipping the sign to closed. I walk back into the break room. I take the little bird out of my pocket. Setting him on the table.

"Rough day for both of us Buddy."

•Hinata's POV•
My Tsuki looked so tired. I looked away for a second and he dozed off. Hm, I sighed today was hard on him.
I hop up to his arm and nuzzle into his neck. My Tsuki...

When I opened my eyes again I was in my human form. Hmm, why do I keep changing in my sleep? My skin felt weird against his apron. I sat on his lap staring at him. I tucked my head under his neck. I could feel him waking up.

I jumped back. My feet slapped against the cold tile floor. I need to change back! I tried changing but it wasn't working. I still hand these human appendages. I looked up from my fleshy feet and he was staring at me.

He stood up suddenly knocking over the chair he was sitting in.

"You sick pervert how did you get in here!" Then I remembered that I was naked.

Covering my privates I tried to talk with him. "Tsuki wait!"

"How do you know my name!" He used the chair as a barricade between us.

"Tsuki you have to listen to me."

"Why should I. Why are you here."

"Well because you're my human!" I said smiling.

"What! You're trying to kidnap me!"

"No I'm sorry that came out weird I'm that crow you saved," I said, trying to explain.

"What the hell are you talking about." Leave here before I call the police."

With no other choice, I closed my eyes, breathing in deeply. I focused hard. I felt it, it was working!
As I open my eyes again I see him standing there. He didn't move. He just stood there. He dropped to the floor. Sliding down the wall.

"What the hell! How-" He inched toward me rubbing his eyes in confusion. His hand shook as he reached out and stroked my feather.

Mama and papa are gonna kill me for transforming in front of a human. But Tsuki wouldn't do anything to me. Right?

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