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Tsukishima was walking down downstairs getting a snack from the kitchen. It was dark at night and he was all alone. His mom was on a business trip and his brother went to some college party. He quite liked to be home by himself
It was quiet and calm. He liked it that way. As he was taking the pop tarts out the cabinet he heard a knock on the door. 'Who would be here at this time of night,' he thought to himself. He walked over to the door then l looked down and he saw him standing there. He looked scared, and he was shaking. I wondered what was wrong with him?

"Hi, sorry to come over so late at night."

"What the hell do you want shrimp why are you here.

Hinata sat on the couch while Tsuki made tea. But why was he here? He looked like he'd been crying. Did something happen? Tsukishima walked over and handed the ginger his tea. Hinata stared at the cup emotionless.

"Hey, carrot top you okay."


"Did something happen?"

Tears started to fall down Hinata's eyes.
"Hey, why are you crying."

"It was all my fault."

"Hinata what happened."

"I was being annoyed so.."

"Hinata what happened."

The blond crouched down in front of the shorter boy. He needed to figure out what was going on. He used his hand to lift Hinata's chin so he could see his eyes.
"Shoyo what happened you can tell me."

"I- he.."

"Take your time."

"He...hit me."

"Who! Hinata who hit you."


"The fucking king hit you!"

Hinata started crying more. Tsukishima calmed down. Hinata was scared and he needed to comfort him. He sat down next to Hinata. He pulled him into a hug. He didn't know what else to do. After a minute Hinata stopped crying and became really quiet. The blond looked down to find the boy snoring. He must be tired.
Tsukishima picked the ginger up bridal style and carried him to his room. He placed him in his bed and tucked him in.

Tsuki watched as Hinata slept. He had this strong urge to protect this boy but he didn't know why. But if he saw Kageyama anywhere near him he would kill him. Kei laid on the opposite side of the bed. Before his eyelids got heavy and he fell asleep. He could feel something warm on his chest and something tickling his chin. He looked down and saw a head full of orange hair laid on his chest. He blushed a bit and slowly pushed him off.
He got up and got dressed. Before trying to wake up Hinata.

"Hey, tangerine do you want to go to school today."

"But what if..."

"But you'll miss practice."


"Look I know you're scared but..."


"I promise I won't let him touch you."


"I promise."

Hinata was talking so sleepily to Tsukishima that it was adorable. 'Adorable? Was he falling for that idiot ginger? No, he was just being a good human being. Nothing more than that.' Tsuki finally got Hinata to wake up. They walked to Hinata's house so he could change and grab his school things. Then they headed to school. Hinata gripped the bottom of Tsukishima's shirt. Walking following him like a shadow. Then he saw him. He gripped Tsuki's shirt tighter.

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