Hogwarts Express

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This started off as a dream
to put me to sleep,
now it's a story for everyone.

Also, I would like to give a big shoutout or dedication to lexrekx inspiring me with her book, Be My Hero.

Chapter 1 :
Laurel's POV :

It's my first day of year six, and i couldn't be happier to see my friends. I met up with Hermione at the platform.

"You ready?"


We linked hands and ran through 9 3/4. We've done it since year 1, we actually met on that platform.

"It feels good to be back!
Are you excited to see Ron and Harry?"

"Yeah. I'm excited to see Draco too."

"Draco? Really Laurel, after 6 years?
You still have a thing for him?"

"Yes Hermione. I do."

"Why? You know Harry fancies you.
And he's much better than Draco."

"Not true. And Harry can have
any girl he wants Hermoine."

"Which also means he could
have you, Laurel."

"Okay okay. I get it. But please stop talking
about this before we get to our
compartment. The last thing I need is
someone overhearing and writing
their own narrative about
me, Draco and Harry."

We finally got into our compartment and settled our stuff and waited for Ron and Harry to arrive.
Hermione and I chatted until we heard a thud, we turned our heads to see Ron's bag on the ground and his arms out wide, awaiting hugs. He and Hermione hugged, a bit long i'd say, and then i gave him a hug. Next was Harry and we each hugged him tight.
We started discussing our summers, comparing the dreadful boringness.

"Can I just say i regret visiting in July?
And before you all get mad,
I don't regret coming.
I regret coming so early.
I miss you all so much after.
I hate that I don't live closer."

"We all wished you could've
come more, it was different
without you here."

Hermione states, Ron and Harry agreeing. Harry joined in,

"Nothing like last summer when you stayed with Hermione."

"That was the best summer- Hey Draco!"

"Laurel, hey."

"We were just talking about our summers, wanna join?"

He glanced around before softly saying no,

"Love the new hair though, Graves"

"Love the new hair though, Graves"

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