Why Would I Ever Say No?

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Chapter 4


Draco's POV :

The past couple weeks have been amazing. I've spent everyday with Laurel, despite hurting her feelings. There's been several times where I've just wanted to embrace her and tell her everything, but I'm too scared to let her in.

Last night was the Halloween Feast, Laurel and I sat at the end of the Slytherin table together. We ate and laughed at all the conversations around us. It's unlike me to not sit at the middle with all the boys. But I'd much rather be alone with Laurel.

The Yule Ball is coming up soon, I know Laurel wants to go. She always eyes dresses in the windows when we're in Hogsmeade. I want to ask her, but I know I have time.

Besides, every other guy knows that we spend all of our time together. No one would be stupid enough to ask her knowing that we are so close.


Laurel's POV :

Weeks have gone by since that night I confessed to Draco. I feel better, knowing he knows. But I hate this waiting game. Is it even a waiting game? Is he just sparing my feelings?

The Yule Ball is less than two months away, I hope Draco will ask me. But I'm not sure he will. I know it's not his thing, and I'm not sure he would want anyone knowing about us if we did go together. Not that there is an us.

We've spent every day together, and every Saturday we've gone to Hogsmeade and studied in the common room. Every time, falling asleep a couch away from each other.

We've both been doing extremely well in our classes, it's a rush honestly. Knowing we're neck and neck, even though we'd never beat Hermione. Maybe Draco could, he's much smarter than people realize.

"Wanna go study?"

"Graves, I'm too tired to study, especially after all that food.

Not tonight, okay?"

"Oh okay, yeah."

We started walking, I stopped at my room, only for him to stop me.

"I didn't say we weren't still keeping up the tradition.

Come on."

I smiled and headed to the common room. I went to my designated couch and pulled a blanket over me, and Draco did the same. I looked at him trying to get cozy underneath his blankets, until he looked at me and stopped. He stood up and walked over to me. He sat at my feet, before climbing behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

"Is this okay?"

"Of course."

He sighed into my neck and wrapped his arms a bit tighter, I rested one of my hands on his and sighed too. This is everything I've wanted.



"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

"What?! I'm suppose to ask you?"

"Not true. Why can't I ask?"

"I dunno. But yes, I will. I'm not letting you go

with anyone else."

"Yeah? Why's that?"

"Because you're mine, Laurel."

"Am I?"

There was a long pause, my heart was racing, and I know he could feel it. Because I could feel his too. He took a deep breath in and out before turning my head to face him.

"Yes. Laurel, will you please be mine? I know I messed up waiting this long,

but I know now that I can't be without you."

"Why would I ever say no? Of course I will Draco."

He leaned in and we kissed, but it wasn't like before. It wasn't lustful or heated. It was deep and sent chills down my neck. Everything in this moment felt so right, and I couldn't be happier to be with Draco.


Draco's POV :

"Why would I ever say no?" Of course I will Draco."

Those words, as happy as I was, they hurt my head. I can think of a reason. But I don't know how to tell her. I can't believe I finally asked her. I thought she'd say yes, but I wasn't sure if she was hurt from before. I'm so lucky to call her mine. I need to make up for lost time.

The next time we went to Hogsmeade, I purposely wandered off while she was browsing books. The girl could read for days, so I knew it'd take her a while to notice I was missing. I wandered into a jewelry store and browsed until I saw the perfect necklace. It was a snake. I always ask her how she is a Slytherin, so hopefully this will make up for me poking her nerves with that all the time.

Later that night, after hours of studying, as we climbed onto the couch to sleep, I pulled the necklace out

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Later that night, after hours of studying, as we climbed onto the couch to sleep, I pulled the necklace out. The smile on her face lit up the dark room. I placed it around her neck as she thanked me over and over.

"No. Thank you."


"Thank you for being here for me.

For being my girlfriend.For being the only person

who has truly looked deeper and understood me."

"I- Draco, I care about you more than anything or anyone.

I'm so happy to be yours. Nothing will ever change that."

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