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Chapter 7 :

Laurel's POV :


Everyday, well almost everyday, I wake up in my room and see smiling pictures of me and Hermione, as well as me and Draco. I'm so thankful I captured those memories the night of the Yule Ball.

I know I don't talk about it much, but I still hang out with the trio most days at lunch. Draco even joins most of the time. It wasn't smooth at first, Harry and Draco were always at each others throats. But, they eventually got past it. They get along quite well now. They're honestly very similar, they just needed to see it.

I'm so happy we're all friends now. Dani also joins us, her and Harry officially started dating the night of the Yule Ball. She's a great girl, and I knew she was one of the only girls that genuinely liked him, and not because he's the chosen one.

Over the break, Draco has gone back and forth from his home to Hogwarts. He wanted to stay but his parents wouldn't let him. I stayed obviously, and spent a lot of time with my friends. Hermione and I spent many nights in each others dorms talking about Ron and Draco. She doesn't like Draco much, but he's stopped calling her a mublood per my request, so she's getting to like him better.

Our whole group actually went out for Butter Beer one night and Harry and Draco were joking around and laughing together, even high fived. I'm so proud of them, honestly. None of them know that Draco has the dark mark. But it doesn't matter, atleast I think so. He won't betray us.


Draco's POV :


The holiday has sucked. Voldemort keeps visiting the manor, asking how I plan to kill Dumbledore. I've told him my attempts haven't worked, but I know I can't do it. Laurel would never forgive me. But if I don't, the Dark Lord will kill me. Snape told me he must protect me, but I'm not sure I can trust him.

I took one of the pictures of Laurel and I home with me, but I keep it hidden. Just in case someone finds it. She can't join us, I won't have her going against all her friends. She can handle anything, I know. But she doesn't deserve it.

I've gone back and forth to Hogwarts to see her, but my parents think it's to work on my task of killing Dumbledore. Little do they know, I have no idea how I'm going to do it, if I'm even going to. Maybe it'd be better if I didn't, Voldemort would kill me. It'd be quick, and painless hopefully, and Laurel could find someone who truly deserves her. I love her so much, but I will never be good enough for her. Not when I'm serving the Dark Lord while her friends are preparing to fight him. Not when my parents serve him, unwaveringly.

I just left Hogwarts after staying the night with Laurel, it was a good time. Not much studying got done once I saw how beautiful she looked, as she always does. When I got to my bedroom, I see my mother standing next to my bed holding something. The picture. My heart sank, she can't know.


"Draco, who is this?"

"No one, a friend."

"That you're kissing? Who is she?"



"Graves, Laurel Graves."

"Draco no. Her mother will never forgive me if she is hurt.
They've lost enough as it is."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2021 ⏰

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