Why Would I Kiss You?

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Chapter 3


Laurel's POV :

"Why would I, kiss you?"

"I dunno, maybe you were mesmerized by my eyes."

For once I wished that he wouldn't joke around.

"Well that was probably part of it, Draco."

"Wait, you're serious? Do you... like me Graves?"

"Yes, is it not obvious?"

"Well, no. Everyone thinks you like Potter. 

How long have you liked me?"

"That's a secret I'll never tell."

"Trade? If you tell me I'll kiss you."

"Nice offer, but no. It's embarrassing Malfoy."

I tried to ignore him, but he kept asking. I couldn't take it anymore.

"SIX YEARS! Okay? Since Year 1... Now shut up about it."

He looked shocked and confused. I tried to change the subject, and we eventually got on with our studying. But every once in a while I would catch him deep in thought, or looking at me a bit too long. 

I was barely studying anymore, I was too preoccupied with my thoughts. I can't believe I actually told him. Of course he doesn't feel the same, otherwise I'd be feeling a lot better.

I eventually got up, and moved to the other couch, as I was ready to sleep. We both started putting away our books, and I gave Draco two blankets and got one for myself.

"Two for me?"

"Yeah, you said your room was cold so I figured 

maybe you'd like two blankets I guess."

"Hey, I never repaid you for telling me."

My stomach dropped, he had a smirk on his face as he stepped toward me. I looked down at my feet, and played with the sleeves of my sweater. I see his shoes in front of mine, and he lifts my chin and puts his palm to my cheek. He's cold to the touch, but it warms my heart. I look into his eyes and feel every emotion possible. I was scared, but also so excited. He leans in to kiss me and I hold my breath. His lips are so smooth against mine. He smelled of cologne and mint. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. 

This kiss was different, his arms were around my waist, and he was holding me tight. Before I knew it, we were on the couch and I was in his lap. His hands were on my waist, cold against my bare skin that I was insecure about before. I leaned into the kiss, chest to chest, and felt his heartbeat against mine. It was like they were racing each other to see who could go faster. My hands ran through his not so perfect hair anymore. 

I didn't want it to go any further, when I didn't know how he felt, so I pulled back. We both caught our breath, his expression was priceless. He looked like he could explode with joy, I've never seen him this happy. 

"I'm sorry Draco.."

"What have I told you about saying sorry, Graves?"

As he said this, his hands were still on my bare waist. His thumbs were caressing my stomach, and I couldn't help but feel butterflies rise and swarm inside of me.

"It's just, I don't know how you feel. 

I didn't want to continue, not knowing."

"Obviously, I like you."

I instantly smiled, how had I waited this long? Then I heard another word escape from his mouth.


My mood instantly dropped, along with my smile. He saw this and I saw his face change. He felt bad, his smile faded along with mine. 

"I like you too. But, I don't know if I want a relationship, my parents

 aren't the best people to bring a girl home too."

"Fine with me. I've seen your parents around, 

I don't mind not being taken home for a while."

I said this to try and lighten the mood, but I also kind of meant it. His parents are very intimidating.

"Very funny. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I don't think

 it's a good time for me to start a relationship Laurel. 

Would it be okay if we remain friends for now? 

I don't want to lose you or our friendship. 

I've never felt so close with someone, so fast either."

"Of course, but don't think I won't try to steal more of 

those kisses every now and then. I think I'm hooked."

"I wouldn't expect anything less."

He leaned in and kissed my forehead, and I smiled. We weren't dating, but it sure felt like it. I kissed his cheek and got off his lap. I pulled a cover over me as he went over to his couch. We were a bit more awake than before, all things considered. So we talked for a while before we dozed off. 


Draco's POV : 

I can't believe she's liked me so long, and that I didn't know. I feel so bad about what I said. But she can't know I'm a Death Eater, she won't feel the same. She'll leave me, and I'll lose her. I've never felt so connected to someone, yet I'm keeping her at a distance. Sometimes I wish I had different parents, ones that didn't serve Voldemort. That way I wouldn't have this bloody mark and I could just live my life.

I want more than anything to be with her. She lights up my day, and is always there. I can't believe it took six years to get to know her. If only things had happened years ago, maybe I'd be different. 

When we kissed, I felt at peace. She was warm to the touch, and smelled of sweet perfume and almost like candy. Just like her, sweet. Her body on mine, was almost indescribable. It felt like we were pieces of a puzzle, linking for the first time. I wish I could just climb onto her couch and hold her tight, but I don't want to confuse her even more. 

I wish I could just be honest with her, I know that is what she would want. But I can't lose her. I've only just began to know her.

I took one last look at her before falling asleep. She had the slightest smile on her face as she drifted off. I closed my eyes, and started to drift off and I heard the smallest sound come from her.

"Goodnight, Draco."

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