Ch 11 Movie Night

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Ch 11

Dedicated to simply_cheyenne for encouraging me to continue to write I been so busy with school. I haven't had time but it means alot that you like it.

Aiden POV

Dylan and I decided to wait till after the movie to tell the girls. We convinced ourselves it was to let them have fun before we break the news to them. Although,we both knew that we were scared to tell them. I feared Callie’s reaction. What if she didnt want anything to do with me. I will feel hurt and heartbroken. She is my soulmate and I already fell in love with her. To humans it might seem crazy that I am already in love with a girl I met two weeks ago but in the supernatural world when you find your mate its like finding your long lost love. Waiting seems crazy to us. A majority of werewolves,vampires and etc.. mate with their mates as soon as they find each other because of this. Unfourtantly, it isn't that easy for Dylan and I .

Callie and I were cuddle on the couch while Dylan and Allyssa were cuddle on the carpet. We were watching a scary movie in their living room. It was so cute that everytime Callie would get scared she would hold onto me tighter which was every 5 seconds. I loved the feeling of her holding me tighter to protect her but as much as i loved that feeling I hated knowing she was terrified.I  could hear her heatbeat beating really fast.

" We dont have to watch the movie if you are scared." I said to Callie.

"No... I am enjoying the movie" Allison cuts in and pouts which causes Dylan to laugh.

I just ignore both of them. My only concern is my mate.

" No its okay... Im not scar-- ahh" she yelled when the killer opened the closet that the little girl was hiding in.

" You were saying?" I smirked which caused her to give me an immediate eye roll.

"Come on callie" I grabbed her hand leaving Dylan and Allison alone to enjoy the movie.

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