C H A P T E R - 3 7

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"There you are!" Keefe called from outside the pterodactyl enclosure. Meredith from her spot next to him shot her a brilliant grin.

Grady was brushing the teeth of a bright orange male and Keefe was leaning against the bars watching. His gray tunic was streaked with mud, and tufts of purple fur were stuck in his especially messy hair. Meredith was fur free but their were signs of mud in her dark blue tunic.

"Grady's been keeping us busy while you were gone," Keefe explained.

"I can see that. Sorry. I told you I'd be home later."

"Yeah, well, my dad started into one of his lectures on the importance of me living up to my potential. Anything's better than that. Plus, it gave me a chance to play with Glitter Butt."

"Glitter Butt?"

"Way better name than Silveny, right?"

"Wait—you guys have been playing with Silveny?"

"It's bizarre," Grady answered for him. "I had him help me feed her, since she responded to him last time and well Meredith was helping with her earlier so her too. Next thing I knew she was nuzzling his neck, just like she does with you and then she moved on Meredith to nuzzle her neck."

"What can I say? Glitter Butt loves me."

"Her name is not Glitter Butt."

"It should be. She likes it better."

"She does not."

"Wanna bet?"

"Please guys, no betting on that. It's useless."

"I wouldn't do it, Sophie," Grady warned her. "She really likes Keefe. Which is great for us. She's finally accepting another person other than Meredith."

Sophie rushed to Silveny's enclosure, and as soon as the gleaming horse spotted her, the transmissions began. Friend! Fly! Trust! Fly!

But there was a new words in the mix.

Keefe! Mer!

"See? I told you she likes us."

"You don't know that."

"Actually, I do. I can feel her emotions without touching her—just like I can with yours. I didn't notice it the last time I was around her because I assumed what I was feeling came from you. But now I can tell the difference."

Keefe! Mer!

"Hey, Glitter Butt—did you miss me?" Mer sighed and ran a finger through Silveny's mane and said. Silveny nuzzled her.

Keefe! Keefe! Keefe! Mer! Mer! Mer!

Do you realize he's calling you Glitter Butt? Sophie transmitted. She sent a picture of a large, sparkly horse hind to illustrate.

Glitter Butt, Silveny repeated. Keefe! Mer!

Sophie rolled her eyes.

"If you're jealous because you don't have a cool nickname, we can start calling you Sparkle Fanny," Keefe offered.

"Thanks, I'll pass."

"Suit yourself. Personally, I insist that you call me Shimmer Booty from now on."

"Please don't call him that. It's the most awkward name he could choose. Once he made the whole school call me Sea Girl."

"It wasn't so bad."

"Yeah, Keefe. Stop lying. Kenric razed the school to the ground."

Keefe! Silveny added. Keefe! Mer! Fly! Mer! Keefe! Glitter Butt!

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