C H A P T E R - 4 5

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"I think I'm maxed out on adventure for a while," Keefe said as Elwin flashed a red orb around his chest. Thick scratches covered his arms, and his chin had a gash almost as deep as the one over his eyebrow. "Now I know why you need a physician on standby, Foster."

"Are you really okay?" Sophie asked, feeling a bit dizzy every time she looked at the red streaks on his skin. She hoped they didn't hurt as much as the deep cut across her right cheek. Meredith already had been wrapped up in bandages in several areas and was sitting on a chair.

Grady and Edaline had rushed outside the second they'd heard Silveny's agonized screeching. They'd helped Keefe, Meredith and Sophie pull themselves away from the thrashing, wounded horse, and they'd hailed Elwin and sedated Silveny before she could hurt herself further. But Sophie, Meredith and Keefe had insisted on being treated outside, in case Silveny woke up.

Sophie winced as she tried to shift to a more comfortable position on the grassy ground. The instructions Mr. Forkle had sent explicitly forbade elixirs, serums, or sedatives of any kind. All Elwin had been able to do was clean her wounds—which he was not happy about. She wasn't a fan either. It would've been nice to at least use a numbing balm, but they couldn't chance it.

"I knew I should've gone with you," Sandor grumbled, slashing his sword at the air like he was slaying imaginary attackers.

Grady nodded as he paced back and forth across the pasture, wearing a groove in the soft ground. Every few seconds he pummeled them with more questions about what happened, most of which Sophie didn't know the answers to. Or didn't want to answer . . .

She didn't know if she'd teleported—or how she'd done it if she had—but she didn't want anyone to know either way. Then she'd have to explain about her crazy alicorn-inspired DNA, and everyone would probably run screaming away from "the girl who was part horse."

Another secret.

But some things she just couldn't share.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Grady said, crouching and wrapping his arms around her. The hug was gentle, but tight, too—like he never wanted to let go.

Sophie didn't want him to. "Thank you for trusting me," she told him.

"Thank you for coming back."

She heard Edaline sniffle and glanced over to where she was busy tending to Silveny. When their eyes met, Edaline whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too," Sophie whispered back.

"I haven't been able to reach your parents," Grady told Keefe. "I tried hailing your father, but he hasn't responded yet. I also tried to talk to Kenric, there was no answer."

"Eh, he might be busy. He's a Councillor after all."

"Yeah, and it's not like you'd expect him to be waiting up all night for me to come home safe or anything."

Sophie tried to think of something to say, but Grady changed the subject. "I guess this means you were right about the Black Swan, Sophie. I . . . need to let my suspicions go."

"You really do." She tightened her grip around him as she added, "I asked them about Jolie."

His back went rigid. "You what?"

"He let me ask one question, and I asked about Jolie. He said that was not what the message meant, and that they had nothing to do with the fire."

Grady wobbled and leaned back to bury his face in his hands. When he looked up, tears had pooled in his eyes and his arms were shaking. "So it wasn't my fault?" he whispered.

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