Chapter 3 - Family

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Chapter 3 - Family

When I reach the abandoned house where me and my brothers live at, I smile. Sigh. This place is really become home for me. All the boys that are in our gang treat me as their little sister, but then again...I am. Everyone here is older than me, but we all love each other.

And with that thought, I walk up to the doors, and let myself inside. I am suddenly faced with two boys wresling in front of the doorway. Five boys were around them, cheering them on, and some others were behind them, betting on who will win. Once the boys standing up saw me, they all froze, except for the two boys still wrestling.

I put the loaves of bread on a table.

I snap my fingers, and some one runs over to me with a bucket of cold water. I smirk. Ahh, the great things of being a little sister. Not to mention the only sister.

I take the bucket of water, walk over to where the boys are fighting, and poor the water all over them.

"What the hell?!" I hear.

Both of the boys look up at me from the ground, all drenched in water. Seeing me there, arms crossed, looking at them with a nonchalant expression, they freeze. Then I notice it's the twins.

Roy and Rob. They are both one year older than me, age 17. Roy is older by 1 minute. They both have green eyes, and blond hair, and are now looking at me with wide eyes.

All the other boys around me are snickering quietly, waiting for my reaction.

"So, what are you fighting about this time?" I ask them, like I'm talking about the weather.

The two boys snap out of it, and point to each other.

"He started it!" They both shout. Then they look at each other. "No I didn't!"

"Yes, you did!" Then they both wrestle again.

I tilt my head to one side. Everyone else was still watching me. I close my eyes.

I sigh. "Ah well, I guess if you guys are gonna keep wrestling, then you won't get any of the Cherry pie I'm going to make later for dinnerrr!" I say dramatically, taking the loaves of bread off the table and walking into the kitchen.

I hear everyone freeze, especially the twins.

"PIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" They all shout, and run into the kitchen.

Phew it's a good thing we have a big kitchen here. I look up from the stove, where I am cooking some soup, and grin at them. "Oh, so you two stopped fighting?" I say, looking at the twins at the front.

They nod rapidly. I chuckle. "Okay fine the, everyone gets cherry pie tonight!"

"YAY!" cheers were heard throughout the whole house.

"Now everyone go play. I'll start making it now."

They all scatter. I turn back to my cooking. See, even though I'm the baby sister of the house, I can at least cook a lot better than anyone here. I also take care of them whenever they're hurt. I'm kind of like...the mama hen and baby sister then.

These boys are my family, and I love them.

"Hey Rina! Me, Josh, and Ray are gonna go patrol, 'kay?" I hear Clay shout from the living room.

"Okay! But be back by 6! I'm gonna have dinner then!"



February 23, 1976 - 5:40pm...

"Okay boys, it's almost time for dinner! Go wash your hands!" I shout to the living room, and the go back to bringing the food out into the table in front of the couch. You see, we chat a lot together during dinner. We don't have a TV though. We're too poor for that, but who cares. We don't need one. All we need is each other to keep us entertained.

Then the door busts open.

"Hey! We're home! We're not late!" Clay, Josh, and Ray shout, running into the living room, hoping that we didn't start eating yet. Seeing us all there, staring at the clock, waiting for 6:00 to ding, they sigh in relief.

"Welcome back guys," I say, grinning. "Now, you have to go wash your hands. It's almost 6." I tell them evilly.

Their eyes widen. "Oh shit!" they shout, and run upstairs to get ready.

Just as the second hand almosts hits the 12, indicating 6:00, the boys run back into the living room.

We all laugh.

"Okay, dig in!"

"Yay!" They all shout.


After we were done, I brought out the pie.

"Yes!! Pie!" They all shout. I chuckle.

Shesh, there wasn't even any leftovers yet. These boys eat a lot.


Now everyone was full. And it was time for some chatting and fun time!

"So, how was everyone's day?" I ask, laying down on the ground, while everyone made themselves comfortable. See, each day, we have this so we can all talk and get together. It makes us become closer.

Everyone starts shouting things at once. I chuckle.

"Boys, one at a time. Here...Ray. You can go first."

He grins. "So anyway, today, we met this guy, who was trying to rape this little girl around 10 in an alleyway..."

Everyone's faces were scrunched up in disgust. Ugh. Stupid rapists. But we were all watching to hear what he did.

"And so when me, Clay, and Josh saw it, we ran up to him, flipped over him, and held our guns to his head. I swear, he got so terrified he pissed his pants."

We all burst out laughing.

"We didn't even have to hurt him. He just ran away, hauling his ugly ass with him."

Now we were all laughing really hard.

"So...that's all," he says, smirking.

Suddenly all the boys are shouting, "Oh! Oh! Me next!"

"Okay, Ray. You can choose the next boy to talk."



And...that's how our family bonding time worked. We all kept talking until around 1am, and then we all gradually fell asleep. We never have our own bedrooms, we all sleep together in the living room, since we were so close. That's why we keep blankets thrown all over the living room. We don't bother putting them in a closet or anything. We always have to take them out after then.

I was the only one awake, and somehow, I can't help but think my life doesn't have much adventure in it. I mean sure, I take care of the poor here, but...I want something to happen. Something exciting. Something...that will change my life....OH, in a good way though.

And with that one wish, I fall asleep.


I know, I know. This chapter was pretty boring. Don't worry though! Next chapter should be more exciting :) So thanks for reading, comment,! :D

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