chapter five

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"It was pointless," I swirled my straw around in my watermelon cocktail, watching the pieces of fruit float in the frothy liquid. Thinking about my recent trip to Savannah was just mind-boggling, and I couldn't help but think that I was either overthinking, or turning into a private investigator by how far I was digging into it.

"I'm sure it wasn't," Heidi assured me while her, Ramone and I drank our sorrows at Infrared, a bar just around the corner from work. "Carter's dad seems like a dick. No matter what you did, he's just going to keep being a dick."

I frowned, knowing it was true, but something still did not sit right with me. The Friday happy hour scene was a perfect setting for our little trio to rant, to cry, to dance, to laugh, or to just drink without needing to speak at all. It got us through our busy work weeks, and it was always something to look forward to.

"Uh huh honey," Ramone slurped the last of his drink loudly, making us laugh. "If it concerns you, tell your hot hubby."

My eyes grew wide. "Ramone!" I giggled. He shrugged like he hadn't said anything wrong while Heidi shook her head.

I knew they probably didn't want to hear about it anymore. I didn't even want to hear or think about it anymore. I downed the last of my drink, asking the bartender for another. Within minutes, my glass was filled, and my favorite song bleated through the speaker. Heidi jumped down from her barstool, offering her hands to Ramone and me. We jumped and twisted, not caring how silly we looked or how terrible Ramone's moves were.

Infrared, at the heart of the city, was a perfectly crowded space that was never dead, but was never so jam-packed that you couldn't get service. Tony, our bartender, had a flirtation-ship going on with Ramone, so we got enough free drinks to keep us sufficiently buzzed all night. When it was half-past eight, Ramone made a show of giving a flirty wave to Tony, and we smacked our feet against the pavement.

Carter had plans with Frankie, his close friend from the team, so my night with Heidi and Ramone was just getting started. Arm in arm, we strolled through downtown to find our next hot spot. Just as we neared an outside bar that had a different cover band on Fridays, an overwhelming urge to duck into an alley at puke out the two cocktails I'd drunk came over me.

"Oh no," I muttered, covering my mouth with my fingers, tossing my hair back quickly and bending over, heaving liquid behind a trash can.

"Oh shit!" Ramone said after burping, rushing to my side and holding my hair so I didn't have to. It ended almost as soon as it started, but I suddenly felt awful.

"I knew those watermelon martinis were awful!" Heidi exclaimed. "Tony poisoned her!"

Ramone shot her a look as I tried to gather myself. "Whew," I said, shaking my head. "I'm so sorry."

Ramone huddled around me, walking me out of the alley. "Well first, let's get you out of this alley baby girl. We ain't dumpster diving tonight. Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "My stomach was feeling a little weird, but I wasn't drunk. Yuck."

"Chloe, you should go home. You're not the best at the puke-and-rally." Heidi said, and Ramone cackled. I shot her a glare, but I knew she was right. I finally cracked a laugh, nodding, and feeling a little dizzy. "You're probably right. A quiet night at home might be what I need. I'm sorry." I whined. The two surrounded me, hugging me, until Ramone recoiled.

"Sorry, baby. I can't get left over puke on this shirt." Ramone complained. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit him. "Love you!"

"Bye," I waved, suddenly impatient to get to my car and get home. Even though Carter wouldn't be there to keep me company, the urge to throw on a robe and slippers and turn on Sex and the City overwhelmed me.

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