chapter twelve

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"Hey stranger!" Tyler threw his arms to his sides, welcoming me warmly to Link's Boxing Club.

"Hey," I chuckled.

"Where have you been? I'm used to seeing you in here every day."

I put my duffel bag into a locker and started wrapping my hands. Hitting a bag was exactly what I needed, knowing the decision of Warren's parole was going to be decided in two weeks' time.

"You know me... lots of work!"

He nodded, flashing a smile. "Well, we're happy to have you back. Are you doing the usual today?"

"Actually, I haven't been feeling that well." I said in a hushed tone. "I was hoping to go a little lighter on the cardio and hard-core stuff."

He ruffled his eyebrows. "You? Goin' lighter?" I nodded. I usually invited a challenge, and I enjoyed boxing Tyler in the ring until sweat covered every inch of my body. But with my newly-sensitive stomach and precious cargo, I knew going easy was the best thing to do and still get a good workout. "Alright, let's do it!"

We trained together for an hour, doing simple routines and run-throughs I could do in my sleep. It was boring, but it was a workout, and I didn't feel queasy afterwards. The workout did its magic: it had distracted me from the endless list of worries in my mind, but the second I got back into my car, everything rushed back at a million miles an hour.

I tapped on the steering wheel, trying to decide if calling McWorth Penitentiary was worth it. It was premature; the results were guaranteed by August 3rd, but that was still two weeks away. I made a special request that they call me with the results, so I would know if I had to worry or not. I prayed that he would stay in jail where he belonged.

I flashed back to that day; his dead eyes, his smug grin, his manipulation and stealing the proof I'd shown him to make himself look empathetic... I wanted to call McWorth just to feel closure, but I knew what they'd say. It was too early for them to decide, but I'd hoped my testimony was convincing enough.

I drove home, greeting Bailey at the door and catching Carter packing for a soccer training he had in Los Angeles.

"Do you have to leave?" I asked, trying not to seem as sad as I really was. I plopped onto the bed directly next to his suitcase.

"I wish I didn't have to." He leaned down to kiss my cheek. I admired him; he just got a haircut, and his hair was at a perfectly length between short and beach waves. "But I'll be back by the weekend. We visit Adam first thing Saturday morning?"

I nodded, cozying up to him as he put in the last remaining items. I enjoyed sleeping next to him that night, knowing I would be sleeping the next five nights without him.

The apartment felt gigantic without Carter around. Maybe it was Warren's parole looming in the back of my mind, or my weird conversation with Cole, and most obviously the secret I was harboring... but I felt lonelier than I had in years. Not wanting to bother Carter in LA, I dialed my best friend.

"Chloe Banks, I am so happy to see your name pop up on my phone!" Peyton excitedly shouted. I giggled, feeling instant relief.

"It's so good to hear your voice, Pay. How are you?"

"Good! We just moved into our house, and wow it is a lot of work. Jonathan is giving me a foot rub as we speak." She chuckled.

"I'm so glad! When things get a little less crazy here, I'd love to come visit."

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