31. - SPEECHLESS? - 🙂

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Namjoon: Apa yang... Cik cuba untuk maksudkan?

Ai: Nice question. But I think you know what I mean Mr. Namjoon.

Diorang dua-dua senyap dalam 5 minit tak cakap langsung sampailah Prof. Eurie ketuk bilik Namjoon.

Prof. Eurie: Yo! Joon. 

Namjoon: *pandang Prof. Eurie*  Namjoon.

Prof. Eurie: Whatever. Ouk, Ai pun ada? Good. Aku nak bagi tahu Namjoon. Start next semester, Prof. Ai gonna teach English class. For the rest of this semester dia just ganti Prof.Aisya sebab due date nak beranak is near and I think you dah dapat email, lepas ni you boleh relax lah sikit schedule kau ye Namjoon. Since aku dengar Ai pernah kenal kau... apa kata kau bawa dia pusing University? 

Namjoon: Aku ada schedule lain.

Prof. Eurie: Tak payah tipu aku. Aku tahu schedule kau. Kau free. Dah, pergi bawak Prof. Ai tengok kita punya campus.

Namjoon: Ok. Now get out.

Prof. Eurie: Stop with your attitude or I'll smack you. By the way, really nice to meet you Airin. *senyum*

Ai: *senyum dekat Prof. Eurie* Nice meeting you too Prof. *pandang Namjoon*

Namjoon: *elak pandangan Ai*

Prof Eurie: Okay, I'll leave you guys here. See you both tomorrow I guess, bye. *keluar dari office Namjoon*

Ai: Girlfriend?

Namjoon: None of your business.

Ai: Oh... okay. It's okay, no need to walk me around the campus. I can ask some student that SUDI untuk bawa saya. I know you don't wanna see my face here either. So, can I ask you a question before I can go home?

Namjoon: *rasa bersalah* *dalam otak* I REALLY WANNA SEE YOU. I MISSED YOU. 

Ai: Do you still love me?

Namjoon: Wh--What?

Ai: Yes or No. 

Namjoon: No.

Ai: Ahhh... Okay. You give me money to my Aunt every month to support me in London, You visit my parents grave every week after 6 years, you come to the airport to see me 6 years ago... still single after 6 years.... you do those things because you NEVER love me. Okay, this time I need to trust you even though I should not.

Namjoon: *terkejut* Macam ma--

Ai: Listen, I'm not stupid KIM NAMJOON. You have 6 bros and sisters around you that can contact me anytime they want... some even fly to London to tell me. Now throw that stupid EGO of yours and tell me the truth.

Namjoon dia teringat yang ada lelaki yang selalu intip dia setiap kali dia pergi ke kubur mak ayah Ai. Dan dia ingat Yoongi dan Sunny pergi London untuk honeymoon, begitu juga Jin dan Suri yang pergi ke Europe semasa cuti sekolah tahun lepas. Lelaki yang intip dia tu ialah Joongki yang di hantar oleh Sunny.

Namjoon: *senyap*

Ai: ... and when I ask, you said you don't love me. If that what your big brain said, okay I got it. My stupid self missed you like... hell. *lap air mata* Thank you for wasting your precious time for something USELESS, Prof. Namjoon. *keluar dari bilik Namjoon* 

Namjoon: Ai! *kejar Ai* 

Ai: *terus berjalan ke arah kereta dia*

Namjoon: Ai. Stop. 

Ai: *jeling* Make me. *terus berjalan kearah kereta dia*

Namjoon: *tarik tangan Ai* Stop. Please. 

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