Chapter Sixteen - The Truth

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Nina's POV

His eyes were once again red and his face held so much emotion, sadness, anger, loneliness. I am sitting here staring at him once again hoping that he doesn't see me. I memorised every creaky floorboard and every Hidy-hole that this house had to offer, I needed to know who was in that picture.

"I miss you" he said softly caressing the frame. Tears were freely falling down on to his shirt now. "I love you fili"

My pocket buzzed signalling that my friend was calling, silently hoping he didn't hear it, I declined the call. Sliding the phone into my boot I slowly turned my head back to the table with the picture frame. The chair was turned over and my disgrace of a step-father was no where in sight.

"Shit" I say quietly and turn around to go back to my room, but I couldn't move, right in front of me, standing tall, was him. I try and run away but he grabs my hair and yanks me back.

"Spying were you?" He says through gritted teeth, still painfully holding my hair. There was no use in lying he would see right through it.

"Who's Fili?" I say quietly. He stops glaring and another tear rolls down his face.

"So you were spying" his glare is back and he pulls my hair again and begins to drag me across the floor and up the stairs.

"I'm sorry!" I cry out on every step, hoping he would let me go.

"She was my wife, and he killed her because she knew to much, like you do right now."

He was smiling like a maniac as he said the last part and dumped me at the top of the stairs, and walked away. Crying and in pain, I try and crawl away but he noticed and pushed me down the stairs so once again I was in the corridor. He walked down the stairs to me and slapped me hard across the face. My face was still stinging when I touched it, I knew that there would be a bruise there. I stared into my 'fathers' face, it was twisted with rage and fury. After a small staring contest, his phone rang, breaking the silence, he left me alone in the hall bruised and bloody. Curiosity got the better of me and I silently crawled to where his conversation was.

"Yes is it ready?... Good.... The password?..... Oh the password.... If you speak this to anyone I will kill you, understand?.... It''s" his voice was strained as he said the words I knew I would never forget.

"Yes it's, Fili"

He notices me and pulls a gun from his pocket. The sound of gunshots could easily be heard from the phone in his hand.

He curse loudly and destroyed the phone in his hand.

"Shit, he's coming"

I gasped when he pointed the gun at me.

"Your just going to be baggage, might as well dispose of you her and now, any last words?"

I stare at his scared face, I caught glimpses of his eyes darting to the window and door.

"Who's coming after you?" I say generally concerned.

"Angus, but you won't remember that name. Actually you won't remember anything. Goodbye, Nina" he says slowly, and pulls the trigger.

"She waking up"

My eyes slowly, open to the white room around me. I grimace from the lights and I try and get up but I was restrained.

"Welcome to Simpsons mental asylum, Nina"

Sins POV
I stare at the two beds in front of me and a lone tear runs down my face. Nina is stable, the only thing that concerns me is that she talks in her sleep.

", no"

She was mumbling again again it broke my heart to see her this way, this was why she went to Simpsons in the first place. This is why they thought she was crazy. I saw her craziness as logic. Maybe I'm crazy too.

"How are they doing?" I turn and see Yuki walking in, two cups in her hands.

"You tell me, your a doctor" I reply

She laughs dryly and hands me a cup. The warm coffee, helped with the developing headache.

"So are you going to tell me about Patientia?" She asks, I freeze and spill some coffee on my front.

"The academy" I start "trains the weak and orphaned, to become fighting machines with no emotion. Carter and me decided against the no emotion part and hid our emotions in a metaphorical safe."

She nods for me to keep going.

"Patientia. It started out, just as a interrogation technique. It makes people see and feel pain, when there's actually nothing there. But after a while it was used in the field by other assassins. Carter was completely against the idea of Patientia and left the academy to a risk free life. I was stupid and stayed. By then I was a kid enrolled in school, friends with you and Nina."

"Why'd you tell me" she asks, leaning closer to me.

"The academy allows, you to tell one person about it. Only one. I chose you."

"Thanks, I guess" she said, and I genuinely smiled.

"During my time at the academy I was friends with Victoria and Scarlet, Tom was just an idiot. I graduated last year with them. We parted ways as assassins, until three months ago when they were hired by someone to capture Nina."


"Before I left, there was an idea, made up by the masters of the academy. The masters are unbeatable assassins that made the academy, they also made Patientia. The idea was to release mass quantities of Patientia into countries, to try and take over the government." I say darkly

Yuki gasped and dropped her mug "what does Nina have to do with this?"

"Her animal of a stepfather was a master. There is a machine that produces Patientia on a mass scale, enough for a small country. He was trusted with the password to the machine. He told two people, the password, one was his friend. But he was assassinated. The second person wasn't meant to hear the password."

I looked at Nina, she was mumbling again.

"She knows the password?!" Yuki yelled/whispered.


We both look at Nina and I sigh loudly. She twitches in her sleep and mumbles some more.

"I hope she wak-" Yuki began, but was interrupted by Nina Shooting out of the bed and falling flat on her face.

"NINA" we both yell and run to help her up. She looks at us and smiles widely, hugging us tightly.

"Where's Carter?" She says happily. My grin fades and I look at the floor. I point to his hospital bed.

"What's wrong with him?" She says nervously and walks slowly over to Carter.

"He's in a Coma""

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