Chapter 9

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He's avoiding you!

Watching Arsen walk by without as much as a glance in my direction made my blood boil. He's doing this on purpose. with his hands in his pockets he continues straight not even acknowledging my presence. Why is he pretending I don't exist anymore. biting at my lip I turn the opposite way and head out the door. Not only did he ignore me now but he's ignored me all day. Its not like i'm screaming down the hall to him.. because hello! reputation. but when we walk by each other he at least winks at me or smiles and I either roll my eyes or smile back. This time I don't even get eye contact. I wonder if he is ok. Today wasn't a volunteer day so I never got the chance to talk to him and ask him why he's acting strange. walking out the doors I am greeted by Arthur. his warm smile invites me over and I give him a big hug. wrapping his fragile arms around me he squeezes as tight as he can, which mind you isn't very tight at all. 

"Ive missed you kiddo" his voice calming my racing mind

Ive missed him to, ever since his wife ended up in the hospital and couldn't pick me up Daddy has sent a new driver for me, a much younger driver that is way too into his craft to say a word to me. all he does is nod when I talk. he quite boring, so to see Arthur today definitely turned my day around for the better.

"Thank god you are here Arthur, I have so much to tell you"

with that he opens the door signally for me to get in, I obey and place my purse in the seat next to me. Once Arthur makes it very slowly around the car and opened the door I begin to unload about the last few weeks he's missed out on. I told Arthur everything from taking a ride on Arsen's  bike to almost kissing him... on a few occasions. I also told him all about Jets new life. and he just sat there and listened until I was done ranting. 

"Seems like you really like this Arsen character" his eyes find mine in the mirror that hang above him

"I wouldn't say that.."

laughing he pulls into my driveway where he parks and gets out to open my door. his white gloved hand signals for me to get out, and once again I obey. 

"It doesn't matter anyways... he's avoiding me" 

his light grey eyebrows raise with concern "And why is that?"

standing up I fix my skirt shrugging my shoulders in the process. "I don't know, But maybe it's for the better. Arsen and I wouldn't work"

closing the door behind me he searches my eyes "You don't seem so sure about your own words" 

breaking eye contact I watch my feet. I can't have Arthur reading me like he normally does. He stares into my soul and then all the sudden he knows exactly what i'm thinking. 

"I think you might need to give him a chance" 

laughing I shake my head "There is no way. everyone would look at me like i'm a alien" 

"Ahhhh. so that is what this is about" nodding his head he takes my arm in his and begins to walk me to the door "Why do you care what others think?"

before I could explain myself he cut me off "Love doesn't come easily, sometimes it doesn't come at all, and to push it away because you don't want your friends to find out... That doesn't sound like the Baylee I know"

letting my shoulders fall I nod my head "I see what your saying Arthur.. but you don't know what its like" 

chuckling he lets my arm fall to my side once we are standing in front of the door "You don't think I was young once? I wasn't popular in my day, but by god she was" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2020 ⏰

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