Chapter 4

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"Are you going tonight? The whole school is talking about it."

Shutting my locker door I turn to Zoey. Her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, tight enough to cause her eyes to stretch upwards the tiniest bit. Her ocean blue eyes search mine, trying to find an answer. I could tell how excited she was for this, and how bad she wanted me to come. However I didn't really have an answer for her yet.

"probably not" I say bluntly 

"Baylee, you have to go. It's not a party unless the Queen B shows up"

Raising a brow, I shove past her. Her kissing up is one of the most annoying things she does. Every time she does it, I can't stand to be near her. I don't have any reason to go to this stupid party, nor do I have a reason not to. But I know ones things for sure, if she keeps bugging me about it; I'm definitely not going.

"Jet is going, I know he's gonna want you there" she runs up to my side trying to fall into pace with me. Her midnight blue sneakers skipping against the ceramics tiles

"I said I don't know Zoey. Quit asking me"

She nods her head in understanding, her thick ponytail bouncing behind her. I don't have any reason to be this untamable this morning. The simple way she wears her hair today is sending my nerves on a ride. Maybe it's the way Jet longs or the redhead, desperately wanting her attention like a border collie seeks for affection. Or maybe it's the fact that Arsen kindly invited himself into my house last night, then made himself rather comfortable on my couch. His dark coffee bean colored eyes flash in my mind, and anger swells in my chest. My mind flooding like a pool overflowing with water. But instead of clear crystal water, it's thickly red.

"Baylee? Are you ok?"

The softness of her voice appeased my rapidly increasing blood pressure. The anger slowly subsided and all I was left thinking was how I let myself become that angry.

"I'm fine"

Tonight's party is hosted by the Pillar boys, so I already know that the majority of the people there will be females. And just like every other Pillar party it's the talk of the school. I guess this time they are having a bonfire beach party.
Maybe jet can convince me to go. I walk over to his locker where he stands leaned up against it, Logan and Quincy standing next to him watching and drooling as girls walk by.

"Hey babe" I walk over to Jet placing a soft kiss on his cheek. Wrapping my arms around him, I look up at him smiling

"What?" He looks down at me, his brow raised

"What? I can't look at you?" I smile showing my dimples in an attempt to look cute.

I cant help but stare at him. he's truly beautiful. similar to me he has freckles that lay across his nose and looking at his makes me feel more confident about mine. if he can rock them I most defiantly can 

I'm pushed out of my lustful stare when my back connects with Zoeys front, her hand fly out to catch me. Jet fixes his shirt and cleared his throat. Confusion set it. All of the sudden he was worried that he would be seen with me. I followed his eyes until mine land on the girl with the red hair.

Who the FUCK is this girl!? 

I averted my eyes back to Jet. He was in a trance, watching her walk by conversing with her friends. I watched him for a minute, his eyes scanned her body, stoping at her hair, then falling back down to her mouth. His lips pulled up the tiniest bit at the sight of her smile. She didn't notice him, be he sure as hell noticed her. His eyes followed her until she turned a corner and disappeared. My chest began to tighten.

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