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A hand tilted her dark old backflips hat so is covered most of her face and flicked her hood up so it hid her dirty blonde hair under it and created a darkness around her face so people would mostly see her lips. Rings of different combinations decorated her fingers and she kept them busy on sheets of information about the new school she was attending. She didn't pay attention to the people around her, but they had all gotten her attention.

Even when the trio came in, silence. All that could be heard was there footprints as they walked through the hallway. They noticed the silence that was around them and that no one was giving them a peck of their attention. As they kept walking further, the trio noticed her.

She wore lose jeans with holes and rips in them that were folded near her feet, above her ankle, like those boyfriend jeans they saw at shops that no one wore. Her dark hoody was unzipped, so you could see the black a Ne for Neon on it, a nerdy style top she wore underneath with slits on the sides.

Days had turned to weeks, weeks into months and months into two years of trying to capture her attention, but nothing they did caught a flicker of an eye their way. By their senior year, the Anderson trio were determined to not give up. Months of watching her, they had noticed that she paid the male sex no attention. As if she wasn't affected by them or any of the guys as many of the other girls.

They just had to approach differently and make her come to them.


Picture of the trio and new girl


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