In the Woods, Part 1

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The base of this story as well as the characters all belong to Rainbow Rowell. The art featured above this text was created by Venessa Kelley.


"Simon hasn't come back from the Wood in two hours," I tell Baz. He went there to clear his head after another argument with Baz. The gates close soon, and he will be totally screwed if he doesn't come back.

"If you're so worried about him, why don't you go get him?" I turned around to find Baz now casually reading some book. 

"I'm not worried about him," I said, "If anything you should be. He left because of you, you know." Baz rolled his eyes. I ignored him and left for the Great Lawn.


Penny might be worried, but I am going absolutely mad. She's right. If he gets stuck there tonight, it will have been my fault (not directly, but still). I head back up to our room, grab my wand and jumper. Then I run down the stairs and towards The Gates like a madman.


Simon wasn't on the Lawn, so I went over to the soccer pitch, he still wasn't there. Just as I was about to venture into the wood, my phone buzzed.


Crap. I had these reminders set on my phone, very handy. After passing through the Inner Gates, I make my way towards the Cloisters. Just as I open the door, I see someone sprinting towards the Great Lawn. I sure hope it has nothing to do with Simon.


I'm so pathetic. Simon hasn't come back and The Gates are about to close. And here I am, running, probably making the biggest mistake of my life. FOR SIMON. Just as I run past the bridge, it starts to rise. What am I doing... It's already dark out. I wonder what mess Simon has gotten himself into this time.

I finally get to the wood. My wand is out and ready.

"Snow!" I call, "Hey! Snow!" Then I hear a rustle ahead. "Snow?" Then I look up into the tree above me.

"Merlin's Beard, Snow." there he is, The Chosen One, stuck up in a tree, like a helpless little kitten, "Why in the world would you go up there?"

"I thought there would be a good view..." he muttered. I light a small flame in my hand to light the area above me.

"You got stuck in a tree... For the view?"

"I'm not stuck in the tree... my jumper is." He whispered the last part. I chuckled. I started to climb the tree. Once I was up there, I looked towards the school. It really was a good view, but I would never admit it to Simon. He had a branch completely intertwined in his jumper and hair.


"I know. Don't tell anyone."

"Tell anyone what?" I asked.

"That I'm letting you help me." He said. I grunted, remembering we are destined to be mortal enemies.

"I'm not helping you." I retorted.

"Then what in the bloody world are you doing up here?!" Simon exclaimed. I had no words, so I just helped him. As I started to untangle the mess, he kept wincing.

"Stop squirming; you'll make it worse." Finally, he was free, and we made our way down the tree in total silence. It was the perfect tree for climbing, and it was huge. Once we got down there, it was dark. The moon had no way of passing through the branches. And somehow, Simon looked even more stunning in the dead of night.


Baz will never let me live down what just happened. I didn't need help... Okay, I did need help... Desperately. But now, I'm trapped outside of the school, with fucking BAZ. But, if I'm honest, I don't really mind it. NO. I do mind. Baz sucks. I hate him and he hates me. That's the way it has always been. But, why do I feel like I want it to change?


This is unbearable (and the most awkward situation ever). Beautiful Simon, standing there with his moles and his tawny skin. UGH. He's beet-red and is constantly turning away from me. I just can't take hiding it anymore...


I can't look at Baz. But when I do, all I can see is his back and he has his hands on his head. He's even growling, only I do that. Then all of a sudden, he's marching towards me and pins me against the tree.

"Crowley, Baz! Wha..." And he kissed me. And for some reason, I'm urged to kiss him back, and it's everything. He moves his hands from the tree to my waist, and in return, I cup his face in my hands. Eventually, we break from our kiss, and I press my forehead against his. We're both out of breath.

"I liked that..." I say, then I smile.


I have thousands of questions on my mind right now. But most importantly, I'm finally doing everything I've always wanted to do with Simon. Finally. Oh, fuck...

"Simon, I need to tell you something..." I say between his kisses.

"Nothing but this matters right now." He says.

"No, this is important." I let go of him as I say, "Simon... I'm not normal. I'm not who you think I am." I turn around and his face is flooded with worry.

"I'm a monster, Snow. You were right the whole time. I'm a Vampire..." I'm crying at this point, "A fucking vampire." He swept his thumb across my cheek, wiping away the tears. He looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Do you really think that makes any difference?" He whispered. I shook my head and placed it on his chest. I do love him.


Baz is a baby in my arms. He sat on the damp earth, and I joined him. He just sat there, looking at me.

"You can't possibly know how relieved I am..." he sighed.

"Relieved that I haven't burned you at the stake?" I giggled. He chuckled at my answer. "You could say that." I scooted over to him and rested my head on his shoulder. He puts an arm around me and places his fingers against the hinge of my jaw. Baz leans down to meet my mouth, and all I'm wondering about, is why haven't we been doing this the whole time?


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