Chapter 1, What now?

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It was a couple weeks after the Forth Shinobi War had ended, Naruto was finishing his studies to finally become a Jonin when he gets a knock on his door

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It was a couple weeks after the Forth Shinobi War had ended, Naruto was finishing his studies to finally become a Jonin when he gets a knock on his door. "Come in!" The door opens and Sakura comes in with a big smile. "Naruto! Where have you been? I missed you dumb ass!" She giggles and pulls him into a tight hug. "Sakura? It's been only two days!" He sighs but then chuckles and embraces the hug. "That's too long for me!" She giggles more. Naruto blushes then smiles brightly, "Say... Want to get ramen tonight to catch up?" He asked. She blushes hard then nods, "Why would I ever pass up an opportunity like that?!" She hugs him tighter then falls off his chair. "Ahhhhh!" Naruto quickly catches her before she hits the ground. "Don't worry! I'm here..." He said with a loving look. She blushes a bright red and gets out of his arms. "Thank you Naruto... I will see you at 7!" She runs out of the room with a really big grin of happiness on her face. "W-wait Sakura?! Oh god damnit she's gone..." He sighs and falls down into his bed. 'I love her so much... But the question is, does she love me back?' He said in his head. 'She has been really affectionate recently, but maybe that's just a coincidence... Is it though?' He thought more. 

About an hour later, Naruto arrives at Ichiraku Ramen looking for Sakura. "Where is she?" He says to himself. He then hears her giggle behind him, "Turn around..." Naruto nods and slowly turns around. "S-Sakura chan?"

"You didn't ha-" "Relax Naruto I just wanted to look good

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"You didn't ha-" "Relax Naruto I just wanted to look good..." She giggles and blushes. "Well y-you do look good! Actually really pretty!" He blushes. Her eyes sparkle and she blushes harder, "Thank you..." She smiles brightly. "Alright let's sit down now..." He said sitting down on the stool then Sakura follows sitting next to him. 

They talk for hours about what has happened over the past few days, Sakura laughed to Naruto's jokes and Naruto blushed at Sakura's compliments. "I had a really good time Naruto... Can we see each other tomorrow?" She asked. "Of course! Now that I'm done with my Jonin studies, we can hang out how ever long you want to!" He smiles. She smiles cutely then hugs him again. "Good cause I love you..." She said with a innocent smile. Naruto's eyes widen and he starts shivering, "Y-y-you love me?" He was hoping she was speaking the truth. "Oh I-I-I-I!" She sighs, "I meant I love you as a friend..." She looks away with sadness and disappointment in herself. "Oh... Well see you tomorrow!" He hides his disappointment with a smile and starts to walk away. "Bye..." She sighs with love and sadness. 

"You have no idea how much I actually love you Naruto kun..."

(End of chapter #1! This was just the start, and I have so many ideas to put and share into this story! So if you enjoyed, please save and vote! Note, I do not own Naruto this is just a fan story!)

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