Sick Bucky au

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So this Au (prompt commented on of the recent chapters, tag at the end) is small sick Bucky and healthy, bigger Steve. Personality's are the same because yeah. Hope you like!

The chapter after this one might take me a bit longer than usual to write, I think I'll make it kinda long-ish. But it has one of my favourite tropes so should be good!

Steve pressed a wet cloth to Bucky's forehead. 'I think this can help break the fever, or something...?' He trailed off, shrugging his shoulders. 'I'm sorry, Buck. I wish I could help more but I've forgotten half of this since last time you were sick.'

Bucky squinted up at him, wiping sweat from his eyes. 'Ain't your mum a nurse, Stevie?' He teased, causing Steve's face to redden.

' 's not like she lets me in the hospital with her. She doesn't want me seeing that, or catching somethin' I could give to you.'

Bucky opened his mouth indignantly to say something, then closed it. 'Yeah, ok, I see why she does that. Pretty sure I have the immune system of a canned fish.'

Steve snorted, shoving Bucky's bony shoulder softly. 'What's that even meant to mean? Small, oily, gross?'

'Me if I don't shower.'

It was a bad joke, but they laughed until there were tears in their eyes and Bucky needed his inhaler. He even laughed into the inhaler, stopping after his face turned a purple colour.

Steve squeezed his hand reassuringly, giving him a concerned look, which caused Bucky to roll his eyes. 'You want me to ask your mum if she has any sick- Bucky appropriate foods?'

Bucky chuckled lightly, twisting his head to glance through the open door, which showed the hallway leading to the kitchen. 'I think I'm good. Probably puke it up anyway.'

He sat up slightly, frowning when he saw a small cut on Steve's lip. Pointed at it, he sent his friend a annoyed look. 'What'd you this time, Stevie?'

Steve's face reddened, either with anger at recalling the memory or embarrassment at being called out. Quite possibly both.

'Some idiot thought it would be funny to try to take food from Old Lady Jossie's place. It was that stuck up kid, Rumlow, and I know his family is well off. There's nothing he'd need from there, he's just a... yeah. I confronted him and he hit me, but I sent him packing.

A small amount of pride shine in Steve's eyes, not from hitting the other boy but for defending what he thought was right. And to be fair, Steve was always defending what he thought was right. With a fairly tall, muscled build, he easily taught town bullies a lesson. And manage to get a date from any dame he wanted after.

For obvious reasons, Bucky was jealous of his friend. While Sarah Rogers would slap the back of Steve's head and call him 'reckless', Bucky thought it was an admirable trait to know so clearly what you stand for. Also, he had a nice ass.

Compared to him, Bucky felt small and cowardly, not a bully himself but only standing up to bullies if it was to help Steve. He had once admitted this to Steve, when he was 13, but Steve laughed and cupped his bony face with his hands, ensuring him that he was perfect. It made a Bucky feel nice, but didn't make it go away.

Still, it didn't matter how when it was just the two of them hanging out, no one for Steve to beat up, no girls to make Bucky feel judged. They had been friends since Bucky was 7 and Steve was 6 (embarrassingly, Steve had been taller than him even then), and he had hoped for something more since they were 13.

He got the feeling Steve had the same wish as him, but neither would tell. Instead, they stayed up late at night whispering secrets and sharing small hand squeezes when Bucky was sick. He feared for their adult days, when these actions could no longer be passed off as 'childlike' and 'cute'.


Steve's voice rang in his ears, and Bucky blinked a few times until his vision was clear. He saw Steve smiling at him, pushing the damp hair off his forehead.

'You okay there? Think you blanked out for a little.'

Bucky forced a chuckled, despite his aching throat, and, well, everything, playfully catching Steve's hand as he pulled it away. ' 'm fine, Steve. Just sick.'

Bucky's mum walked into the room just then, glancing at their intertwined hands but not saying anything about it. 'Dinner is ready. Steve, come out to the kitchen and grab two servings, you and James can eat it in here.'

They both nodded gratefully, Steve standing and walking out, coming back in after a minute. Steve ate his full serving, but Bucky picked at his until Steve threatened to stuff it down his throat.

'I'm serious, Buck. The reason your so pathetically small is because you don't eat enough.' Bucky rolled his eyes dramatically, setting the bowl down and flopping back.

'You want me to puke on you?' He threatened. The both erupted into laughter.

They continued talking until Steve looked at the time and realised his mother would be home from her shift soon. Standing up, he hesitated before kissing Bucky's forehead.

'Seeya, Buck.'

So that's my first one done from a suggestion someone sent me on Wattpad! Hope you guys liked it!

Prompt from @the_depressed_bitch

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