Part 6

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     You passed your finals and, for everyone's surprize and Bakugo's complete rage, you were the best grade in class. Midoriya calls you to have some ramen in the city to celebrate the beginning of the summer vacations. But when you get there, you face a skyscraper on fire, and when Bakugo sees Midoriya helping the heroes rescue the people trapped there, he gets in the building. Todoroki tells you they were actually called to help by Endeavor himself and that they could use your help.

Are you ready to become a hero?

     You and Todoroki zip in the anti flame suit. Your hands are shaking and the only thing you can think of is Aizawa's face when he discovers what you are doing.

"It is not right to send kids to do this,Endeavor!" Mt.Lady yells at Todoroki's father.

"Do you see anyone else here capable of doing this?! This kid's quirk is the only way we get to the heart of the flame and save anyone who is there, and my son can take high temperatures. I will assure they come back safe!" Endeavor yells back at her."I take full responsability!"

"My Uncle is gonna fucking kill me." you say while putting on the helmet.

"Your uncle?" Todoroki asks doing the same.



"You. Are you aware you are risking your life?!" Mt.Lady turns to you.

"I am, lady." you answer. "I can do this."

     She stares at you and says, emotional:

"Please... please be careful."

     You look behind yourself. There are many heroes on the ground, breathing through airmasks as the heat and the smoke have started to tire them. Tsuyu is passed out on Uraraka's lap, Iida by their side, recieving medical attention.

     Kirishima has gotten there and is helping other strong heroes and helpers to hold the building together. Sero is making rescues in high places spider-man style.

     Midoriya and Bakugo are coming in and out the building carring people. You can see they are both fighting against their own body limits to continue. Iida is yelling at them to stop, but they keep getting back there.

"If we succeed in finding the origin of the flame, we can put it out. Are you ready?" Endeavor asks.

     You and Todoroki shake your heads and exchange a look. You follow after him.

     The heat is terrible, it is so strong you can feel your body already healing from small burnts. Todoroki seems to feel it too, but he is resistent to it. Endeavor doesn't look shaken, but there must be a limit for him too.

     You get past many people asking for help, but Endeavor holds both of you to stop you from helping and say you have a more important mission. You can hear Todoroki growl at him, but some heroes arrive to pick those people up.

"Look kid. Y/n right? From this point on, the heat is too high for a normal person. Do you think you can take it?" Endeavor asks.

"Yes." You answer promptly.

"Shoto and I will put the fire down and your mission is to rescue anyone, IF there is still someone. If you don't see anyone, run away."

      You shake your head to show you've understood.

     As you walk into the fire, you feel your body burn and heal many, many times, but you stay firm. The fireproof clothes are already starting to melt.

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