Their mistake, our fault

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It's been a week after the whole disaster happened. Me and Ryuko, together with Hiro and Zero Two were frequently asked by most of Squad 13 about what a kiss is and how does it feel. One particular blonde boy was even too curious.

Ryuko: "I just hope he does not try again with Miku"

(Y/N): "He will and it will end like with previous three times... I mean they match each other but they don't understand it"

Ryuko: "Hey, Jakuzure and Sanageyama got together, so they can too" I laughed

(Y/N): "Yeah... the rest of our crazy incomprehensible pack"

Ryuko: "I miss them too, especially Sats and Koru. I wish they were here with us here"

We turned the corner to see Goro standing by the window

(Y/N): "Hey Goro. What is so interesting outside" I looked over his shoulder to see Ikuno and Ichigo sitting on the steps, playing with cat

Ryuko: "So, you too Goro?"

Goro just sighed and turned to us

Goro: "Seems like it" Then Futoshi screamed

Futoshi: "Guys! They are here!" We walked down to the lounge to see a lot of presents

Ryuko: "Wow, Christmas already?"

(Y/N): "We are her for about one and a half months. When we arrived it was November so seems like it"

Goro started to give everyone their presents. We looked around. Ikuno got some new books. Kokoro got a makeup kit. Miku was sniffing her new perfume. Mitsuru got a fancy pen, Zorome got a new ball while Futoshi got some rare snacks. Goro is checking out his new fishing rods while scolding Ichigo about asking for stuffed animal. 

Hiro then walk over to us with two boxes in hand

Hiro: "(Y/N), Ryuko, those two are for you"

(Y/N): "Thanks, but we didn't asked for anything" I opened the box to see it was my old laptop. "Wow, I mean why?" I took a letter from the bottom of the box "'(L/N), I send you your laptop. I upgraded it to help you two in your mission. On it you will find schematics of every FranXX of Squad 13 as well as some more useful information. It was your uncle's idea by the way. He said 'He will make better use of it than those geezers from APE' Greet Matoi from me. Sincerely, Inumuta' Hey, Ryuko..." I looked at her, she had some tears in her eyes "Hey, what... oh..." I looked at what she was holding. It was a picture of us and our parents, sitting happily on the porch of Matoi's mansion

Ryuko: "I...I...*sniff*"

(Y/N): "Shh, my Blueberry." I hugged her from the side "I'm missing my mom and uncle Soichiro too. When we will get nearby old Tokyo we will visit them"

Ryuko: "Y-You think it still standing?"

(Y/N): "Their graves? I hope so. If not I will make another one" she wiped tears away

Ryuko: "Thanks (Y/N), what did you wanted to say"

(Y/N): "Inumuta send me my old laptop. He got schematics of every FranXX there. I hope my music is still there..."

Ryuko: "Only this?"

(Y/N): "He also wrote to greet you" We walked over to Hiro and zero Two

Hiro: "...and we'll get them on a particular day" Zero looked down to see Hiro is holding some encyclopedia on birds

Zero Two: "Hmm... what's that? A picture book?"

Hiro: "Oh, nah. This is an illustrated guide. Do you like picture books? I think we have some in the study"

Reapers in the FranXX (Kill la Kill x DiTF crossover, Ryuko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now