Spark of Rebellion

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Some days have passed since we first cooked together. After that our days went by usual, first some work, then breakfast, return to work, bath, dinner outside, free time we spend together and later supper and night time. Ryuko did a talk with Kokoro to not try anything that was in her book. Given they are still 15, it was too early to have a child. Second thing, having babies is banned subject. It could end with them being killed, and their child to be taken away.

Now I'm sitting downstairs, after checking our supplies and bringing crates to the kitchen I went on a brake. Then I heard the doors opening. I turned around to see...

Alpha: "Hey" he waved

(Y/N): "There it is... the fuckening" I murmured under my nose

Ichigo: "Why are you guys here?" I stood up and walked over to Ryuko

Alpha: "To check on you, on Papa's orders"

Goro: "Papa's. So we weren't cast aside?"

Alpha: "Of course not! In fact, Papa has been worried sick about you"

'Of for fuck sake! We nearly get to our goal, and then this little fucker comes here and destroys everything' I looked around, Hiro and Zero Two seems not to buy it

Miku: "Th-Thank goodness!"

Zorome: "What the heck? Let us know sooner then!"

Alpha: "Would you mind readying rooms for us?"

Ichigo: "You want to stay here?"

Alpha: "I said I'd taken a liking to you guys, remember?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, right..."

Delta: "Oh Omega, don't be like that"


After getting Nines to their rooms, Alpha took me, Ryuko and Zero Two to the forest

Alpha:" How long are you three going to keep playing human? You know you'll never be the same as them" We didn't said anything "They certainly are a unique squad, but they're hopelessly imperfect. They're fundamentally different from three of you and us, Iota, Psi, Omega"

Ryuko: "Ryuko"

(Y/N): "(Y/N)"

Zero Two: "Zero Two"

Alpha: "Huh?"

Zero Two: "Me name's Zero Two"

(Y/N): "And we told you, we are not part of the Nines, not now"

Ryuko: "Not ever"

Alpha: "You're throwing away the Special Forces codenames Papa gave you?"

Zero Two: "My darling gave me this name. It's important to me"

Ryuko: "And we want nothing to do with him"

Alpha looked at us and then started to laugh. We walked away from him

Alpha: "Well, I wish you three luck... Iota, Psi and Omega"

The rest of the day I kept an eye on the Nines.

'We can't contact Nana and Hachi now, as well as we can't contact uncle. This is turned from zero to hundred in a second' 

I walked to the room me and Ryuko share. We knew Nines are looking around so I used some Life Fibers to jam our doors close shut. 

Ryuko: "This sucks. Alpha and his lackeys getting here destroyed everything" she growled

(Y/N): "At least they don't burgle into our life too much. And I have a feeling something happens"

Reapers in the FranXX (Kill la Kill x DiTF crossover, Ryuko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now