"This place makes me sick"

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*Y/N POV, next week, afternoon*

We are currently fighting some type of Moho class dog like klaxosaur.

Delphinium: "We need to bring it down!"

Heliconia: "Right away" Using our scythe we stab klaxosaur on it's side and making it tilt slightly to our side. Then Argentea dropped down right in front of klaxosaur, getting its attention

Argentea: "Now!" She get out of the way. Chlorophytum shoots it's front leg. Genista then appeared and cut it's second front leg. Klaxosaur falls to it's front. Delphinium jumps on top of it and stab it with her blades. After a while of struggling it opens it's mouth, exposing the core

Delphinium: "Finish it off, Strelitzia!"

Hiro: "Right!"

Zorome: "Sit back and relax, Hiro!"

Hiro and Delphinium: "Huh?" 

Meanwhile Heliconia just pinched her nose

Zorome: "This is my time to shine!" Argentea jumps to the klaxosaur "Gotcha now!" She stabbed her claws into it's core. Klaxosaur emit a screech and soon it's stopped moving

(Y/N): "I don't believe I will say this but... good job Zorome, Miku"

Zorome: "Thanks! See that? Piece of cake!"

Argentea: "S-Stop showing off and get us out of..." She was cut off by a lot of klaxosaur's blood flowing right on her

Heliconia: "You two alright?"

Argentea: "Bulbh bulbh..." soon the stream stopped and we saw Argentea all blue "Why, you..."

(Y/N): "Okay, haha. Guys, we should get back. I'm starving"

Futoshi: "Yeah me too"

Heliconia: "You can scream at him later Miku" With that we walked back to the hangar and get on our docks. Soon, shower above Argentea turned on and washed off the blood from her. Me and Ryuko exited Heliconia and looked to our left to see Miku and Zorome arguing, and the rest of our squad looking at them. 

Zorome: "Can we drop this already? I apologized, didn't I?"

Miku: "You did? You think that was an apology? You heart wasn't in it at all!" Hiro than walked out of Strelitzia

Zorome: "Oh? And how can you be so sure it wasn't? Can you read my mind? Can you?"

Miku: "Apologize right now!"

Zorome: "Over my dead body!"

Miku: "Grr! I'm gonna kill you! Ryuko, can you lend me your weapon again?!"

Zorome: "Not fair! (Y/N), let me us your scythe!"

(Y/N): "No way in hell we will let you two kill each other!" Then Nana shouted from below

Nana: "Kids, we need to talk. I bring good news" After that we all walked down from the bridge and into briefing room

Nana: "Tomorrow, all of you are to dress in your formal attire, and gather in front of the boarding house at 0900 hours. (Y/N) and Ryuko, you two are to be there in formal outfits too. Got that?" We nodded

Futoshi: "Formal?"

Ichigo: "What's happening?"

Nana: "Papa values what you've achieved in battle so far very highly" I could sense the annoyance and aversion in her voice " As such, though there is vary little precedent, all of you are going to be awarded medals"

Futoshi: "M-Medals?"

Zorome: "What are those?"

(Y/N): "Can I Nana?" she nodded "Medal is a thing you give to soldiers for their service. It's supposed to show gratitude and boost up morale"

Reapers in the FranXX (Kill la Kill x DiTF crossover, Ryuko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now