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*(Y/N) POV*

Ryuko: "Here're Reapers!"

(Y/N): "Surprise! Your second present of the day is death!"

We walked on the bridge, our weapons ready to kill.

(Y/N): "Oh poor Alpha. You really though that we will give you Zero Two?"

Ryuko: "We knew you will try to kidnap her, that's why we switched FranXX with her and Hiro. Now, that we are here" We walked over to Alpha "You will answer us some questions. Project Elysium"

Alpha: "I will not tell you anything, traitors!" I punched him

(Y/N): "Wrong answer. Let me ask again, what is it?" he just spitted at me. I cleaned it with my hand and punched him again

Ryuko: "Acting tough, huh?"

(Y/N): "Seems like we will need to get more drastic"

???: "Alpha, you got Iota...?" I looked to the right to see Beta and Gamma

(Y/N): "Oh great, another clowns. Ryuko, can you?"

Ryuko: "With pleasure" She rushed them, keeping me and Alpha alone

(Y/N): "Heh, that's my Blueberry for you" I turned back to Alpha "We told you we will finish what we started"

Alpha: "You can kill me, but I will not tell you anything!"

(Y/N): "Kill you?" I started laughing "You really think that it would be that easy and fast? No, I will torture you until you tell me what I want. Another thing, what is this place? It surely doesn't look like plantation hangar"

Alpha: "Fuck you..." and I punched him again

(Y/N): "I'm getting bored with your resistance Alpha. Maybe I should contact Squad 13 to execute Delta and Epsilon?" His eyes widen

Alpha: "Where are they?!"

(Y/N): "Shhh. They are safe. Knowing my friends they are taking care of their injuries. Now, will you answer my questions?"

Alpha: "We are at Plantation 29, the closest place from where we found you"

(Y/N): "Good boy" I turned to Ryuko, who is beating Beta senseless "Ryuko, he spilled some beans!" She droped Beta and walked to us

Ryuko: "Really? Wow, and here we thought we will need to break your fingers" She turned to me "What did he said?"

(Y/N): "We are currently at Plantation 29, so, where is Squad 29, Alpha?"

Alpha: "I don't know..."

Ryuko: "You serious? If not, then..." I created a small fireball in my hand

(Y/N): "They died, aren't they" He nodded "Okay, last thing. What is the clearance code for Kosmos?" Alpha looked at us 

Alpha: "Where is Delta and" Ryuko punched him "Epsilon..."

Ryuko: "We are the ones asking questions. What is the clearance code for Kosmos?"

(Y/N): "And why are you so worried about your squad? Didn't you said that 'Parasites are replaceable'?"

Ryuko: "Wow. Nine Alpha showing his human side. If they are so important for you why did you left them behind?"

(Y/N): "Instead of helping them you decided to follow Papa's orders. He probably discarded them just like Squad 26"

Alpha: "Shut up. We are Papa's favorites!"

(Y/N): "You sure are. Let me ask you, how much time passed after I killed Zeta for him to replace her, huh? I guess the replacement was ready long before you escaped from our trap"

Reapers in the FranXX (Kill la Kill x DiTF crossover, Ryuko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now