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*Y/N POV, day after Zero Two's departure*

After Zero Two department, I went back to room I share with Hiro and Goro. I'm lying on my bed with my laptop on my stomach, searching how to activate Thanatos

'We need full power. Trying to get Zero back here will be hard. Especially with Alpha and his lackeys all around. I can't stand seeing Hiro like this. I need to think about something, quick'

Then I remembered my uncle's words

'When negative and positive, male and female factors combine, and their hearts become one, the Iron Maiden will reveal her true form...'

(Y/N): "There is more about it, right, uncle?"

'Every FranXX have hidden configuration when score gets to 120... Wait. That's it. I know what to do'

With that I closed my laptop and went to girls side. I knocked on the door to where Ryuko stays with Ichigo and Ikuno. Soon Ryuko opened it

Ryuko: "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"

(Y/N): "You are alone?"

Ryuko: "Well, yes. So what?"

(Y/N): "Ryuko, you know I love you"

Ryuko: "I know, I love you too (Y/N), we tell that to each other every day"

(Y/N): "I want the best for you. You are my everything. Ryuko, I love you the most in the world"

Ryuko: "I..." Before she could finish I put us in the kiss. She melts instantly and we started to deepen it. Soon she cupped my face while I get my hand on her hair. We broke the kiss about 2 minutes later

(Y/N): "Remember, I will always love you"

Ryuko: "Eh... I *pant* know. Let me tell you, we didn't kissed like that since forever..." then our communicators went off "It's Nana, she wants us to go to briefing room in ten"

(Y/N): "So we have some more..." She cut me off with second kiss, same as previous or even maybe more passionate. I hoped it will last forever but we still need to breath

Ryuko: "I love that feeling and I love you too even more. I promised to stay with you forever, same as you promised that to me too"

(Y/N): "We lived through so much and the promise is still kept. So what do you say? Together?" I offered her my hand and she instantly grabbed it

Ryuko: "Together" with that we walked to the elevator and soon we arrived in briefing room, with our hands still intertwined we sit down. Ichigo turned to us

Ichigo: "Where have you two been? I wanted to talk with you"

Ryuko: "Ichigo. It was our business, not yours. We had some lovers time"

(Y/N): "And if it was about yesterday's events, we don't care. We still think what we do was right"

Ichigo: "I'm the leader and I want to know what's going on with the whole squad..." Ryuko cut her off

Ryuko: "Like you would care... If I remember correctly you wanted to remove us"

Ichigo: "I didn't mean to..."

(Y/N): "Listen, Ichigo, you really need to get your emotions in check. We don't care if we are a part of Squad 13, or even the Nines. We are here to get Zero Two back"

Ichigo: "Again with her... You saw what she did"

Ryuko: "Only because you didn't let her or us to tell her story"

Ichigo: "Her story? Besides killing her partners?"

(Y/N): "You want to know more? Now it's not our task but Hiro's. That's it if he would want to tell you"

Reapers in the FranXX (Kill la Kill x DiTF crossover, Ryuko x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now