Last Day on the island

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Patrick POV

"Morning baby," I whispered into her ear and she buried her face further into the crook of my neck.

"What time is it?" She mumbled after a few minutes.

"10:12am," I answer back. I don't even bother moving my arms from around her.

"What do you wanna do today?" She pulled her face up and looked at me, she ran her hand over the hair on my chest.

"I don't care baby, it's the last day so you get to pick," I pushed a piece of hair out her face and behind her ear.

"I don't wanna go back yet," she groaned and I couldn't help but smile. I didn't wanna go back either.

"Me either babe, maybe we could go snorkeling," I asked. She pulled her face off my chest and looked at me.

"Seriously? Out there in the clearest part of the water?" She said happily.

"Yep, we could also get stuff to make pizza from somewhere and have dinner on the patio at sunset," I raised my eyebrow and she smiled.

"Ooo, that sounds fun!" She sat up, her hair was all over the place but the morning light coming from the windows made her look so beautiful.

"Mhm, but you gotta do something first," I have her a mischievous look.

"Oh? What's that?" She raised her eyebrow.

"A kiss," I smirked. She let out a loud giggle and got closer to me. She kissed me and then pulled away.

"If you want more, you got to shave off that stubble. You look sexy but it's so hard to kiss you with something poking my lip."

"Oh really? I'll show you poking," I smiled before grabbing her waist and holding her down. A loud giggle erupted from her and I placed kisses all over her face.

"Stubble! It hurts!" She laughs and tried to move me. I stop after a few seconds and we lay in the same position. In this moment, it was in a moment like this I realize how much I love this woman and what I would do for her. I can't imagine spending a day without her by my side.

"Marry me," I whispered in her ear. I wanted it to be special but I didn't care, she wouldn't care either.

"What?" She was shocked. She turned in my arms and faced me.

"Hold on," I got up and walked over to my bag and pulled out the black velvet box. She sat up and gasp.

"Patrick..." she started and I went over, sitting down in front of her on the bed and opening up to show the ring.

"Ellen Kathleen Pompeo, you make me the happiest man on this planet and I don't know what I would do without you, you're the woman I want to have my kids, you're the woman I want to grow old with, so will you marry me," I said again more clearly. Her hands were covering her mouth as tears seeped from her eyes.

"Yes," she nodded and held out her hand. I put the ring on her finger and pulled her into a kiss.

"God Patrick, it's beautiful and I love you so much," she cried as she pulled away and held her forehead against mine.

"Only the best for my queen," I replied and she crashed her lips against mine again. She pushed her hand over my chest and brushed the chest hairs. Her hand moved down my stomach to manhood that was stood at attention and she rubbed it.

"What about the stubble?" I pulled away from her lips slightly.

"I don't care, I want to make love to my future husband," a huge grin across her face.

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