Talula's Birthday

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Ellen POV

I felt a small hand move across my waist and I looked over to Talula asleep next to me. Almost every night she has been coming in here and sleeping between us when we have her. I've honestly gotten use to it, most of the time her body is spread out between us, leaving me and Patrick a little space to sleep, but this morning she is snuggled under the covers against my side. Her face is on my upper stomach and her arm is reached across my waist. She looked to cute laying there I couldn't bare to wake her up. I reached over and shook Patrick's shoulder.

"Hmm?" He groaned and rolled over. He wasn't a fan of her sleeping in our bed because he barely ever got to cuddle except when she wasn't home.

"Look," I smiled down at her and looked back at him. A large smile grew on his face and he leaned over and kissed me, making sure not to move her.

"My two favorite girls," he then leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Breakfast," I smiled sweetly at him. He groaned before getting up.

"Only for that little munchkin," he pointed at her and I just rolled my eye. I put my arm around her and let her cuddle into me. She was like a daughter to me and I love her but I always wondered what it would be like to wake up with kids all in my bed and cuddled to me and Patrick.

The smell of food from downstairs moved up and I could smell the bacon being cooked. Talula started to stir and she sat up in bed. Her hair was a mess and she looked sleepily at me.

"Happy birthday sleepy head," I smiled and she looked at me still half asleep.

"Thanks Ellie, is daddy cooking?" She looked around and noticed he wasn't here.

"Yes he is, wanna go see what he's cooking?" I push the covers off me and stand up. She nods and stands on the bed.

"Ellie, can I ride on your back since it's my birthday," she smiles sweetly at me and bats her eyelashes.

"Hop on," I act like its a drag but I enjoy when she treats me like her mom. The more time I spend with her, it seems she gets closer and closer to me and I don't want Jill to hate me but I love it.

"Weee!" She exclaims and wraps her arms around my neck and her legs go around her waist. I hold her up by her legs and hop down the stairs and her giggles were loud. We get down to the kitchen and I sit her down on one of the stools, her still giggling. Patrick smiles at us as we walked in and hasn't stopped.

"Happy birthday princess," Patrick smiles at Tal and she smiles back. Their smiles are identical.

"Thank you daddy, are you cooking blueberry pancakes?" She looked up at him.

"Well that's you're favorite isn't it?" He replied and she nodded.

"I got a question," she said and she looked at me.

"What is it sweetie?" I sat next to her at the breakfast bar.

"Since you are marrying daddy, does that mean I can call you momma now?" She asked confused. I choked a bit on my coffee and shot Patrick a look, he looked back at me.

"Well, sweetie if you feel comfortable calling me that then of course you can call me that but you have to ask your daddy if that's alright," I assured her and she looked at Patrick.

"Daddy, can I call Ellie momma?" She batted her eyelashes and turned on the Dempsey charm.

"Yeah, I'm fine with it," He placed two pancakes on the plate set out in front of her and she drowned them in syrup.

"Ok," she replied with a mouth full of pancake. I got up and fixed her a glass of orange juice and sat it in front of her.

"Thanks momma," she took a sip of the juice and continued to eat.

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