Chapter one

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This is my first book I've ever written and I hope you'll like it! Feel free to correct any spelling errors/typos I might've made. Have fun reading!

Betty's POV

"Betty." I hear someone say but I ignore them, it's too early to wake up.

"Betty, wake up! You're going to be late for school." The same voice says again.

The thought of being late for school wakes me up. I open my eyes to see my mom standing before me, looking at her watch. She has yet to see me because her focus is on her watch and I assume she's trying to repair it, judging by the sound of her fingers tapping rapidly against the screen of it.

"Oh, you're awake." She says looking at me. I was so lost in my own mind I didn't notice her turning around.

"You need to get ready for school. You only have fifteen minutes left." She finishes and walks out of my room.

My eyes widen at the thought of having only fifteen minutes left to get ready and walk to school. I quickly check my phone for any messages I might have received but none come up. Then again who would message me? It's not like I have any friends. I look over at my alarm clock, the bright red letters staring back at me, reminding me that I only have nine minutes left.

Before I can waste any more time, I finally decide to get up and walk towards the bathroom that is connected to my room.

I undress and get into the shower. I turn on the shower and let the warm water relax my muscles. Listening to the calming sound of water drops hitting the floor. I grab my favorite strawberry scented shower gel, I squeeze an average amount of it into my hand and get to work.

Once I'm done, I step out of the shower and wrap a fluffy white towel around my body. I grab my toothpaste and toothbrush, quickly brushing my teeth.

After I'm done brushing my teeth I walk out in my fluffy white towel and over to my closet. I choose a baby pink sweater, my favorite blue jeans and my black worn out converse that look like they've been through hell and back, which they have. I brush my hair as fast as I can, not wanting to waste too much time on it, and put it up into my signature ponytail.

After I finish getting dressed I walk down the stairs only to see my mom sitting at the table, still trying to repair her watch but with no success.

"Finally, you're done." She comments.

"You know where the cereal is. Do I need to give you a lift to school?" She asks me.

"No, it's fine. I'll just walk, I need some fresh air anyways." I reply to her, while pouring milk into my bowl full of cereal.

"Okay, then. Be careful. I'm heading out now, I wouldn't want to be late." She rushes out and before I know it she has left the house.

My mom works at the Riverdale Register, she worked together with my dad up until he passed away. My dad passed away when I was five, so I don't remember much of him. I only remember what he looks like, his soft brown hair and his bright green eyes, which were passed down to me. The only other memory I have of him is his nickname for me, Betty. That's what he used to call me. It's what I would hear every time he came back from work. I really miss him. And ever since he passed I've gone by the nickname he gave me.

My dad was a man that was loved by everyone, always smiling and treating people kindly. He passed away in a car accident. A drunk driver was driving recklessly, breaking every rule there is and before my dad could even register what was happening the drunk driver smashed into the driver's side, where my dad was seated. My dad died on impact whilst the drunk driver was rushed to the hospital, where he later passed away due to his injuries.

When My dad died my mom went into a depression. I was still young so I didn't exactly know what was going on but I did understand that my mom was sad. Every night when I couldn't sleep I would go into my mom's room. Sometimes I would hear her cry through the door. I knew she didn't want me to hear her, or to notice how much it affected her. She always put on a smile in front of me. Pretending that nothing was wrong, but I saw through it. After a year my mom decided to start up her life again. She started working again and playing with me. I knew that she was happy and that made me happy.

We struggled with financial problems since we only had one income, and so we had to spend all of our money wisely. I was young but I understood what it meant. While all the other kids were showing off the new toys their parents bought them to their friends, I was sitting under my favorite tree, writing made up stories in my old journal.

Currently we've sorted out all of our financial issues but we still have to be careful with how we spend our money. For example I don't have a car because we can't really afford one and school is just a few minutes away, so it wouldn't be worth it anyways.

After I finish my cereal I only have five minutes left to get to school. The walk to school usually takes me about seven minutes. But since I woke up late, I'll have to walk faster than I normally would in order to be on time.

"Let's do this" I say to myself as I grab my bag, I put in my earphones while pressing play as Steal My Girl by One Direction fills my ears. I walk out the door, heading to my final year of the dreadful place they call school.


After speed walking for three minutes straight, the school building finally comes in sight. The big bold letters spelling out Riverdale High calling out to me.

With one last sigh I rush over to the two big doors that lead inside. I walk through the doors and immediately walk towards my locker to grab my books.

As I walk to my locker I notice him. My eyes bulge out in surprise, not expecting to see Jughead Jones leaning against it in all his glory, his brown hair a mess but somehow cleaned up at the same time, and his leather jacket on his back, fitting him like a glove, while laughing at something with his annoying friends.

Jughead Jones is the definition of a bad boy. He's the biggest player in the school, he drives a motorcycle, without a helmet might I add, and he is the leader of a gang called The Serpents. I have a slight hatred for him. I used to have a huge crush on him a few years ago. I was head over heels for him until my fifteen year old self finally realized I didn't have a single chance with him. That was two years ago, seeing as I'm seventeen now.

He finally seems to notice me standing a few feet away from him, staring straight at him. I quickly look down hoping he didn't see me staring. I can't help the blood that rushes to my cheeks and I'm sure they're as red as a tomato. I mentally slap myself for staring at him.

"What are you staring at? Leave." He demands and it takes me a second to realize that he's speaking to me.

"I'm not leaving, I need my books. You're standing in front of my locker." I reply to him, angry that he told me to leave when he's the one blocking my way to my locker.

"Well too bad. I'm not moving." He stares at me with a smirk, clearly seeing that I'm not at all pleased with his response.

"C'mon Jones. We have to go. I don't want to get detention this week, there's a party this weekend and I'm not missing it." Says his friend with red hair, which I don't know the name of, to him while placing a hand on Jughead's shoulder.

Jughead abruptly shoves off the hand from his shoulder as if it burned him and pushes himself off the locker.

"Looks like you're lucky this time." He tells me before walking away with his friends, leaving me standing there, dumbfounded and staring at his retrieving figure.

"What a jerk." I mumble under my breath.

I finally move from the spot I was standing not too long ago, and open my locker with ease, knowing the lock combination from memory.

I look at my schedule and see that my first class is math, so I take out my math textbooks, closing my locker, and I take in a deep breath as I walk down the hallway towards my first class of the year.

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Instagram: @/pretty.bughead

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