Chapter two

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Jughead's POV

After walking away from the lockers Archie and I walk down the hallway and towards our class.

Apparently everyone in our friend group besides Archie and I has a different schedule. And so only Archie and I are the only ones walking together to class, usually I wouldn't even bother going to class but there's a party this weekend and I can't miss it, so I have to attend classes this week seeing as I can't risk getting detention.

My mind can only seem to focus on the blonde that argued with me not that many minutes ago. Apparently I was standing in front of her locker. Usually I would just move over to another locker and ignore her but something in the back of my mind held me back. I have to admit seeing her frustrated was definitely amusing, and the way she blushed was adorable.

I've never seen her before. Her long blonde hair put up in a tight ponytail, her bright green eyes that could hold me captive for hours, her beautiful long lashes and her soft pink lips, my mind couldn't seem to register anything that was happening around me as I was thinking about her.

"Jughead? Are you even listening?" The voice of my best friend, Archie, snaps me out of my thoughts about a certain blonde. I shake my head trying to get rid of my previous thoughts. Why am I even thinking about her?

"What?" I ask him, clearly proving his point that I wasn't listening. I was too busy thinking about a green eyed blonde that I didn't hear a word of what he said.

"Never mind." He dismisses my question.

What's on your mind? You seem so lost in thought." He asks curiously, as if it's the most interesting thing in the world.

I didn't want to answer him and tell him that I had a girl on my mind but I was too curious to find out who she is so I asked: "Do you know who that blonde girl was?" I stare at him, waiting for his answer, while trying to hide my curiosity.

"What blonde girl? You mean the one with the locker argument?"

"Yeah. Is she new or something?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"No, that's Betty Cooper. She's literally been going to school with us since first grade. She's a loner, she doesn't have many friends." He explains.

"Interesting." She has been at our school since first grade. Weirdly enough, I've never seen her around.

"Why are you asking? Do you like her or something?" Archie stares at me, as if he's trying to figure me out and read my mind. I burst out laughing at his thought. I could never like her, I don't date and I certainly don't like or love.

"No way. I was just curious. I've never seen her before." I tell him honestly. I have never actually seen her before today or spoken to her, maybe I just never noticed her.

"She doesn't socialize much. That's why." He answers

"Now let's get to class. I really need to go to that party this weekend." I roll my eyes at his words but nonetheless finally enter the classroom.

I go to my seat, which is located at the very back, the reason I chose it is simply because I don't want to be bothered by the teacher asking me questions. Not that I would know the answer anyways

Just as I sit down in my chair I hear the door open and the person that walks through the door is none other than the green eyed blonde, Betty Cooper. For some reason my eyes stay on het and I watch as she goes to her seat which, of course, is in the first row of the class. I keep watching her as she takes out her books and her pencil case.

I look at my desk where a pen and a piece of paper are the only things laying on it. I take out my math book and slam it onto the desk, purposely making a loud smacking noise. Out of the corner of my eye I see Betty jump in her seat, surprised by the loud noise.

Not even a second later the teacher walks in, her back towards us, looking like she just woke up after sleeping in a basement for ten years. Her hair is pointing up in all different directions, most likely caused by the wind outside. Before I can make some kind of joke about it she turns around, facing the class, and immediately starts explaining some kind of math problem I don't understand. After listening to her boring explanation for a few minutes I decide to take a small nap.

"Mr. Jones!" I hear someone yelling at me and I lazily look up, still tired from the five minute nap I took, before me stands none other than our math teacher, she's staring down at me with her hands on her hips in an angry demeanor.

"What do you think you are doing sleeping in my class?" She asks me angrily, not even trying to hide her frustration with me.

I open my mouth planning to say something rude back to her but before I can even utter a word Archie speaks up, defending me.

"He's sorry Mrs. Smith. It won't happen again." He hurriedly tells her. I look at him with a strange expression, not understanding why he just said that. He just nods his head mouthing the word 'detention' to me and I finally realize that he did it in order for me to not get the detention that I surely would've gotten if I would've spoken up.

"I'm letting you off this time, but this better not happen again or you'll get detention for a whole week." She declares.

She turns back around and walks over to the board and continues her explanation. I look around and see that everyone is writing some kind of notes. I grab my pen and paper and pretend to write notes.


A lot of boring minutes later the bell finally rings, signaling the end of the lesson and freeing me of this torture. Everyone quickly packs their bag and makes sure to walk out as fast as they can. I grab my bag, shoving my pen, paper and book into it, I zip it up and throw it over my shoulder, quickly following behind the other students leaving.

Right as I walk out of the classroom I take a deep breath of fresh air, relieved to finally be out of that dreadful classroom. I hear something coming from my right and I see Archie approaching me and soon he's right next to me.

"Veronica and Kevin told us to meet them in the student lounge." He informs me. I nod at him in acknowledgment.

Veronica and Archie have been dating for three years now. Archie always had the biggest crush on Veronica but he was too scared to say something to her and she never noticed. One day Archie finally decided to man up and tell Veronica. I couldn't be more happy, I was tired of hearing him talk about her all day and night. They've been going strong for three years now, a few arguments here and there, but ultimately putting up with each other.

I follow him as he walks toward the door that leads to the student lounge and together we walk into the student lounge where we see his girlfriend, Veronica, and her best friend, Kevin, sitting on a sofa, already waiting for us, and most likely gossiping about the newest rumor that's going around the school.

With one last sigh I gradually walk over to them, preparing myself for their gossiping and their non-stop talking.

We finally arrive to the spot Veronica and Kevin are sitting and before we can even utter a word Veronica notes us standing next to the sofa they're sitting on.

"Why are you just standing there?" She asks, looking at us as if we're the biggest idiots she has ever seen.

"Go sit down." she says and gestures to the empty seats next to the two of them.

Archie and I give each other a brief look before sitting down in the empty seats.

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Instagram: @/pretty.bughead

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