Chapter three

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Jughead's POV

After we sit down, Veronica immediately starts rambling about some new rumor she heard, saying, that it's apparently 'the most shocking thing she's ever heard' I just roll my eyes at her enthusiasm for this freshly made up rumor. I really don't care about what rumors are going around. They're called rumors for a reason. People like to assume things about a person or an event that they know nothing about.

"Jughead! I know you don't care about this but you can at least pretend like you do." Veronica scolds me playfully, looking at me while I just stand and stare. It's only now that I notice that Archie and Kevin have switched their attention to me too.

"I can't pretend I do when I truly couldn't care less, Veronica." I tell her.

"He's probably thinking about Betty again." Says Archie teasingly with a chuckle, not realizing his mistake of mentioning Betty. Immediately I divert my gaze over to him, with a glare that would have him five feet under if looks could kill. Archie seems to not notice my glare, or at least pretending he hasn't noticed.

"Betty? Who is Betty?" Asks Kevin, while staring at Archie, waiting for him to respond.

"Betty Cooper. You know the loner in school?" Archie looks at Kevin while waiting for him to realize what he's talking about and just like that something seems to click in Kevin's mind because immediately he shoots up from his spot on the comfortable sofa we're sitting on. We all stare at him, surprised from his sudden outburst.

"Betty Cooper?! The loner that doesn't have any friends? Why would he be thinking about her? We've never even talked to her."

"Well we came across her this morning when Jughead was accidentally leaning agains her locker. She basically told him to move out of her way." Replies Archie.

Just after he replies Veronica seems to be on to something as she slowly stands up from her seat, which was next to Kevin's previous seat.

"Let's make a bet." Veronica speaks up, her voice booming between the four of us. Archie and Kevin are immediately interested in what bet she wants to make while I just roll my eyes, wanting to get out of here as fast as I can.

"What kind of bet?" Kevin asks, curiosity underlining his tone.

"Jughead has to make Betty fall in love with him." She says, catching my attention.

"What? Why am I involved in this?" I ask, confused as to how I ended in this unbelievable situation.

"Because you're the flirt here. You have three months to make her fall in love with you." She begins. "You'll win if she says 'I love you' in those three months and after that you break her heart."

"What will I win?" I question, interested in how much she's offering for this bet of hers.

"Three hundred dollars." She states, her voice full of confidence. She stares at me with a sinister smirk, obviously seeing the fact that I was caught off guard by her response.

I'm caught off guard by her response, not expecting it. My eyes bulge out of my head. Three hundred dollars?! That's a lot of money. Money that I could definitely use. I wasn't interested in this bet at all but now this is on the table, it has definitely caught my interest, this money could help me with my future.

"Why would you possibly give me so much money just for this?" I ask, genuinely curious at her response. It's a lot of money for a simple high school bet. Not that Veronica can't afford it, she's part of one of the richest families in the town. But still, the amount of money she's willing to offer makes me raise a bit of suspicion.

"Betty Cooper is going to be a tough one to crack. She barely even talks to people. I doubt that she will even willingly talk to you let alone her loving you." Her statement doesn't surprise me. From what Archie has told me she doesn't talk to many people at school, hence why she doesn't have many, or any friends. I hadn't even seen her before today, I didn't know she existed. And then when I find out that she has been going to school with us since the beginning I was taken aback. she seems to be almost invisible. She's there, but no one knows.

I think it over for a good second before deciding to accept it. It's just one simple bet. That's it. A bet that holds a lot of money that could really help me. I just need her to say 'I love you' and then I'll break it off, easy as that. How hard can it really be?

"Fine, deal." I finally speak. Veronica doesn't seem surprised by my answer and only nods at me.

"Great, we have a deal." She holds out her hand for me to shake. Without wasting any time, I grasp her hand with a firm grip and shake it.

All of a sudden the bell rings and every student in the student lounge hurriedly starts leaving for their classes, not wanting to be late.

"I'll see you later, Jones. Good luck." Veronica salutes me as she and Kevin leave, following all the other students on their way to class. Meanwhile Archie and I are still standing on the same spot we were discussing a bet a few seconds ago.

"Are you sure about this?" Archie stares at me, waiting for me to give him an answer.

"I could really use that money, Archie." I look at him. "Besides it's just one simple bet. What could possibly go wrong? I just have to get her to say 'I love you' and then I'm done" I finish, waving off any of his concerns.

"If you think so."

"I do." After my response he thankfully doesn't say anything else, he knows it won't change anything.

"Let's just go to class." I tell him, not wanting to be late or get detention once again.

We walk out of the student lounge with a little but of a hurry, trying to catch up for the time we wasted. As we walk towards our next class, which we have together, I start to plan what I'll do next to win this bet.

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