Chapter five

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Jughead's POV

The bell rings once more, informing us that it's finally lunch. No one even bothers to hide their excitement as they let out a squeal of happiness. I get up from my seat, stuffing my books and pencils into my bag, excited for lunch.

The food they serve in our school is actually edible and tastes amazing. You have to be quick to get to the cafeteria in order to get food, because it will be all gone before you know it. The food in our cafeteria might not be dreadful and disgusting like in the movies but the stereotypical group tables are. Every group has their own table where they sit for the whole year. It's like an unsaid rule. Everyone has to stay at the table where they belong. The nerds have a table, the musical people have their own table, the cheerleaders sit together with the football team at a table, and then the so called 'popular' people have a table of their own. I sit at a table with Veronica, Kevin and Archie.

I snapped out of my thoughts and I look behind me to see that I'm one of the first students to have packed their bag. I scan the room, searching for my best friend, Archie. Seeing as he has the same schedule as me, we have every class together.

I soon spot him in his seat. I'm guessing he decided to take a nap some time during our boring history lesson because he's still asleep in his seat. The side of his face pressed up against the table and his figure slouched lazily in his seat.

I let out a tired and loud sigh knowing that I would be the one to have to wake him. Relentlessly I walk towards his chair, already thinking of multiple ways to wake him, which I know would be a challenge.

Archie is a deep sleeper that can easily sleep through a tornado or an earthquake. I roll my eyes at the thought. The only reason I know this is because when we were kids we once decided to have a sleepover, at his house, of course. That night there was a horrible storm outside. The storm being too loud to even close one eye, let alone sleep. But Archie, being the sleeper that he is, didn't even wake up once. He just slept through it as if he was in his own world and didn't have any clue about the outrageous storm that was going on just outside his bedroom window.

Finally deciding to try and wake him, I took out my book out of my bag once again and lifted it up in the air aiming it so that it would hit Archie's desk, holding onto it with both my hands. I tell a silent prayer, hoping that this will wake him, as I let go of the book, letting my hands fall lazily by my side as I watch in anticipation. The book falls onto his desk, just as I had planned, with a loud smack, the smack being louder than I expected. I do a little happy dance in my head, extremely pleased that my plan worked out just like I wanted it to.

Archie shoots up in his seat, clearly surprised by the loud noise just a few inches in from his face. He looks around confused and distraught and I try to hold in my laugh as I watch him. I can't help it as a laugh escapes my mouth, booming through the room. Archie looks at me with a glare that would have me five feet under.

He stands up and walks towards me, annoyed that I woke him up and that I laughed right in his face. As he stands next to me he slaps me in the back of the head and immediately I stop laughing. I rub the spot he just hit with my hand and look at him grumpily.

We both walk out of class and towards the cafeteria. We walk through the cafeteria doors and just as expected, the cafeteria is full of people, and the line for lunch is immensely long. I let out an annoyed groan at the sight. We make our way towards our regular table, noticing that Kevin and Veronica are already there, and sit down next to Kevin as Archie sits down next to his girlfriend, Veronica.

I look around in an attempt to find the blonde that has been on my mind since the morning. I scan every table there is, surprised that I can't find her anywhere.

I turn back to my own table, where Veronica is talking with Kevin and Archie, no doubt about another rumor that she heard. I interrupt them and before I know it the words just spill out of my mouth.

"Where is Betty? I can't seem to find her" I spoke as I look around once more, trying to find her.

"She never eats lunch in the cafeteria" Veronica begins, "I don't know where she eats her lunch" she frowns, her eyebrows pulled together as if she's trying to figure out where Betty could possibly be spending her lunch break.

"I'm going to try and look for her" I tell them as I stand up from my seat.

I walk out of the cafeteria and into the hallway. I stop walking and look around, thinking of where she could possibly be hiding. I never really noticed that she was never in the cafeteria, then again I never really noticed her regardlessly. I think of all the places she could be, the main ones being the girl's bathroom or the library. Seeing as I can't go into the girl's bathroom for obvious reasons, I decide to go with the library.

As I'm on my way to the library I think of how I'm going to win this bet. I haven't even thought about how I'm going to do it. I guess I'll just let it play our however.

I enter the library, not bothering to greet the librarian that is sitting behind her desk, typing away on her old computer. I look around in order to try and find Betty. I walk around the library but I can't see her anywhere. Maybe she's not even here, maybe I was wrong. I frustratedly run a hand through my black hair.

Just as I'm about to give up and walk out of the room. I hear a noise from the back of the library, if it wouldn't have been completely quiet, I would've missed it. I walk towards the back of the library and surely enough there she is.

She's reading a book, completely focused on it and captivated by the words written in its pages and ignoring everything happening around her. Her ponytail still seems to be as perfect and neat as it was in the morning. Not one hair has moved from its place. I'm assuming she doesn't know I'm here because she hasn't said anything or even looked at me.

I clear my throat, hoping that it will catch her attention. It fails. She doesn't move an inch. Maybe she didn't hear me. That or she's ignoring me, it wouldn't surprise me if it was the latter.

"Betty?" I try again. And it works.

She finally looks up and our eyes connect.

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Instagram: @/pretty.bughead

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