𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑡𝑤𝑜

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Junior x Yo-Han
***late 1920s

Yo-Han rushed through the castle, trying to avoid meeting anyone besides the person he intended. He already knew he was getting closer to becoming Head Alpha. He was being forced to do lessons and he didn't enjoy them at all.

Right now he felt like this was his break, or he chose for it to be his break. He ran up the stairs as he rushed past a guard. Hearing him insist that he walk, he ignored him as he turned a sharp corner.

That's when he laid his body against a certain part of the wall. He suddenly felt a hand grab his as he was pulled into the secret location of the castle.

When he looked over his shoulder he saw Junior grinning down at him. He felt his face heat up as he couldn't help but hug him.

"Gamsahamnida." ( Thank you. ) Yo-Han murmured into Junior's chest. He sighed calmly, pulling back as he smiled up at him.

"No, thank you. I'm happy that I get to celebrate your birthday with you. Yes, happy birthday." Junior moved to the side and Yo-Han's eyes saw the little cake.

He bit his lip, trying to suppress his smile as he walked towards the cake. When he saw it he wondered if Junior made the cake.

"Did you make this?" Yo-Han asks him as he sat in a chair. He saw Junior rub the back of his neck awkwardly, nodding. "I am quite impressed. I thought you said you could not cook? I was going to teach you how to make-."

"Yo-Han...excuse my interruption, but I am still sorry about your dad." Junior found himself apologizing, and Yo-Han grinned.

He rested his elbow on the table, leaning on his hand. Watching Junior intently at that moment, he wondered where this was coming from.

"You did not do anything. He gave his life for...our...half-brother. I think it is quite befitting. I know my dad would not have it any other way. I should be saying sorry about your father - he lost his Mate. I know...that can be horrible." Yo-Han found himself saying to Junior.

Junior just looked at Yo-Han nervously - soon chuckling as if he tried to hide how he felt at that moment. He tapped his hand on the table.

"Let us not focus on such depressing things. It is your birthday - you are a new age. I think that is something to be quite proud of." Junior smiles at Yo-Han, not even knowing that Yo-Han was conflicted.

Yo-Han's eyes were settled on Junior's shyly, and he tried to suppress his feelings. He didn't know if Junior had feelings for him at all. Made him nervous because he was in such small quarters with him.

It was becoming harder to hide his feelings for him. He knew they had a half-brother, but him and Junior weren't related in any way. Too many conflicting points that made him frustrated.

Junior on the other hand was just as conflicted. He knew he couldn't visit Yo-Han anymore after this. It was becoming too risky and he knew the Abawi's were heavily hated.

He didn't want to stop seeing the person that made him happy instantly. He liked looking at Yo-Han and being able to feel better. He felt nervous because he wanted to just hug Yo-Han for the whole time.

If he could - he would kiss him too. Except he tried his best to hide his feelings. At this point he wondered if it was even worth it.

"Make a wish with your candles." Junior murmured, seeing Yo-Han look away from him. He looked down at his candles, only to look back up at him.

"Can I...say my wish aloud?" Yo-Han asks Junior shyly.

"It may not come true if you say it aloud." Junior chuckled even though he did want to know what it was.

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