𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑡𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑣𝑒

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Bodhi gasped loudly, sitting up in his bed. He had to remind himself that he wasn't in knight training anymore. He wasn't in the predicaments and abuse he was subjected to.

Though his scars reminded him everyday of the past. Even if he was close to forgetting it - the scars brought him back to the truth. All he wanted to do is not remember the pain he endured; and the suffering especially.

His hands reached over onto his dresser, grabbing ahold of his bottle of water. Beginning to gulp it down, he tried to cook himself down.

Except he found himself now wanting to go back to sleep. He hadn't been able to get a good nights sleep in years. The most he's been able to have was five hours of sleep - six if he was lucky.

Bodhi felt his eyes water because he was in pain. His tears came more from frustration than anything. He was tired of being tired - that was for sure.

Then he learns Aeneas is his Mate, but he can't even be excited about it. The woman he was knighted to watch over - was in love with his Mate. That was insane to him and he didn't want to hurt her. At the same time - he wanted to not care.

After all he's went through he wanted to accept something this good into his life. But even now he felt restrained.

"When can I get my chance of happiness?" He asked himself.

That's when he got up from his bed, going to his bathroom. He removed his shirt and pants in front of the body length mirror. Now he stared at his scars and saw his face.

What's to like? I look insane. He groaned in his head at the sight of himself. The scars made his body look deformed and like a project.

Bodhi began to hear a tapping on his outside balcony, confusing him. He pulled on his pants as he walked out to see what it was. Only for him to make eye contact with Aeneas.

He stared at him in confusion and wondered if he was seeing things. Except he absolutely wasn't when Aeneas looked at him as if his heart was broken.

Aeneas saw Bodhi's puffy eyes as if he was crying and the scars on his body. He was startled to see his Mate in such a way. Though he still found him to be perfect for him.

It was just the mere fact that he was hurt...and in pain. He could feel Bodhi's pain and he couldn't take it anymore; so he brought himself to him.

"How did you get up here?" Bodhi questions Aeneas through the glass. He had yet to open the doors to let him in.

"I brought myself here. You're in pain Bodhi, and I don't want you sad." Aeneas tells him through the glass. His hand rested upon it, a closed-mouth grin growing on his lips. "Did I surpass my boundaries by...appearing at your apartment?"

Bodhi stared up at Aeneas, feeling his chest become warm. He hugged his chest to try and calm the growing warmth - though it did nothing. All he wanted was to hug and kiss him.

"No...you didn't." Bodhi began to chew his lip nervously, and wanted to cry again. "I'm sorry."

Aeneas began to see Bodhi cry and he didn't like seeing him that way. He felt pain seeing him look so hurt.

That's when he rested his fingers on the window firmly. He saw the glass begin to turn gold slightly; and he let himself walk through. Now he was inside Bodhi's room and rushed to him.

He hugged him to his body, not wanting to see him hurt. That surprised Bodhi at an instant to feel him since he never let him inside. Except he knew Aeneas was practically a Luna.

"Please don't cry." Aeneas begged Bodhi, hugging him closer. His eyes settling on his scars closer up. He felt...immense frustration in seeing him like this.

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