A Blaze x Male OC story
I've had this in my head for God knows how frickin long so I'm doing this no matter what anybody says.
Blitz the Wolf.
Never heard of him? Really? He's the mayor who leads a city called Carnival City. He one day meets a certa...
This.....this is old. Like.....really old....like.....2021(ish) old. Probably one of my not-so-good stories. If you find out that you agree with that, I recommend seeing a different story of mine.
Or you could go read something else. That's cool too. Just warning you that this is made by a significantly less experienced VegetaInDrip who was just starting his writing hobby as this is one of my first stories (one of the only old stories of mine that barely managed to stay published)
It was midnight. The moon was at it's peak. And the citizens of Carnival City were.....well.....partying. As everyone was partying, a gray wolf stood on the roof of the Mayor's building.
???: Hmph......whoever thought I'd end up living here of all places. It's funny really.
Suddenly, a loud bang was heard nearby.
???: Ugh.......what is it now?
He then jumped off the building and began running to the source of the sound.
???: Why am I not surprised.
The wolf stood atop a building right next to a large machine that resembled a carnival ride.
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And it was built by, you guessed it, Dr Iro Robotnik, a.k.a. Eggman.
Eggman: Get ready to get schooled, cat!!
The wolf then realized that there was a purple mobian cat facing Eggman. The machine was about to strike her when she jumped up and kicked it before his attack could be executed.
Eggman: Argh!! You'll regret that, you mangy feline!
Eggman turned his machine and hit the cat. She flew back and landed on her face.
Eggman: Told you!
The machine lifted the giant ball on the end of the machine up.
Eggman: Now we're going to see what squashed cat looks like. OHOHOHO!!!
His machine then attempted to land the finishing blow. Key word: ATTEMPTED. The ball never made it to the cat because......
???: Y'know, Doctor, you should go back to fighting Sonic.
Eggman was shocked to see that, in an instant, the gray wolf was now standing before the mech, holding up the ball with one hand.
Eggman: Agh!! It's YOU. We meet again........Blitz.
Blitz: It's been a while, Robotnik. Now then, shall we?
Blitz then changed to his fighting stance.
Eggman: Oh, this is going to be fun.
Eggman prepared his mech for an attack.
???: Get out of my way.
The cat stood up changing to her fighting stance.
Blitz: Uh, a thank you would suffice.
???: He has something I want. This is my fight.
Blitz: Oh, really now? It seemed pretty one-sided to me. Listen, cat. I'm-
???: My NAME is Blaze.
Blitz: Fine. Listen, Blaze. I'm now involved here. Also, I'd rather not just sit and watch you fight against my mortal enemy.
Blaze: You know hi-
Blitz: Oh, yeah. I forgot you were here.
He then went to slam his robot onto the two, only to have Blitz and Blaze dodge the attack.
Blitz: Hey, Doc. You got something on your stache.
Eggman: WHA!? Where!?!?
Blitz and Blaze both jumped up towards Eggman.
Blitz/Blaze: HERE!!!
Blitz then punched, while Blaze kicked, Eggman right in the face, sending him flying.
There was a small twinkle in the sky where Eggman flew. The two Mobians landed on the ground safely. As they landed, Blaze caught a glittering object. Blitz immediately began questioning.
Blitz: What was that? Show me.
Blaze: Why should I?
Blitz: Because I'm not letting you go until I have some answers.
Blaze: I don't need to explain anything to you. I don't even know who you are.
Blitz: hmph......well then.
Blitz then walked in front of Blaze and pointed at himself, Vegeta style.
Blitz:...you're looking at Blitz the Wolf, Mayor of Carnival City!
A/N: There you have it. The beginning of an interesting tale. I hope you find this interesting too.