Big homophobia :(

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So I'm in school and most of my group is apart of the LGBTQIA+ community (myself included) or they support it and I have a friend who's transgender.

Although some dumbass homophobes in my year don't understand that and turned to me and my other friend and said that he was a female because he was born with a vagina so I responded with "sex and gender are different" and he just walks off and tells his friends the exact same bloody thing.

So now it's the next day I'm in form and we tell our form teacher about this he says he'll email the head of our year and we thought it was done but us being the stupid group we are forgot that one of the biggest homophobes is in our form and heard us.

So he goes and tells the others and they're all laughing at us, so I tell another teacher who's mortified by what I told her and says she'll also tell our head and I hope as soon as Monday rolls around I can go straight (or gay) to the head of our year and tell her what happened.

Side story me and my friend (the one who was with me when we heard the transphobia) were holding hands cuz she's my wife and she whispers to me "the straights are watching" so I hold up our hands and shout hey everyone look but she stops me from pissing them off 🥺

I'll tell you the tea with my head of year when we get to tell her about this peace out 😂

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