✨Arranging to meet✨

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A/N: This story will suck, because it's my first. But anyways..also, I don't really have a story plan. So just.. bear with me

Mary created a group chat:
Mary: hi guys I was wondering if we could possibly meet up tomorrow? I know a place where we could perhaps have a picnic and swim?
Yumeko: We're girls btw.
Mary: I know that.
Yumeko: who's in this group anyway?
Kirari: Is my sister on here?
Mary: no
Yumemi: I'm here
Sayaka: Are we meeting up then? I'm down.
Kirari: I'll go if Sayaka does.
Yumemi: where we meeting then?
Mary: Heck, idk what it's called. I'll
go there later and send a location for us to meet.
Yumemi: sure Mary -_-
Kirari: how'd u do that?!
Yumemi: huh
Sayaka: you don't know how to use emoji's?
Yumemi: :,) that's sad
Yumeko: •~•
Mary: ugghhh. Just click the circle at the bottom of the screen and select the face u want.
Kirari: oh
Kirari: :)

Sayaka POV
I sigh and put my phone away. I like to be prepared, and yet I still don't know exactly who's coming to this meet up tomorrow. Kirari is the exact opposite of me, always throwing herself into situations without thinking about possible outcomes. Yumeko is way worse. Still, I'm glad thery're coming. Especially the President, i hope I can get closer to her..if that's possible. I have a..'slight' crush on her. No, that's and understatement, it's a mega crush. She's just so perfect.

Come on Sayaka. Snap out of it. I shake my head and grab my bag out of my wardrobe. Who knows what I might need, Mary's not exactly good with details. I shove in an extra pair of clothes, a plain swimsuit ,towel and a couple of bits to eat, apples, for example. I doubt many of the girls will bring proper food, as I know for a fact the President will bring monster energy drink and chocolate fingers.
Just as I think this, my phone buzzes with a new message.

Kirari: pink or white monster?
Mary: There's a shop there.
Itsuki: I wanna come!!
Mary shared her location.
Mary: meet here tomorrow.
Sayaka: is there places to change,like for swimming and stuff!
Kirari: you worry too much Sayaka ;)
Sayaka: I'm not worrying!!
Mary: there's changing rooms,yes.
Yumemi: Don't tease her, President
Kirari: I'm nottttt

Even over text, I can practically hear her laughter. Those icy blue lips stretched into an amused smirk. Okay. I just HAVE to message her now. But what to write?

Sayaka created a chat.
President, do you know if Ririka is coming tomorrow?

That sounds far too formal. Even for me. God, I'm absolutely awful at this. I bet she'll see right through me. And why message her but ask about her sister? Well,I have nothing better to say, so I hit send. A nervous five minutes of waiting, and she reply's with:

Kirari: Would you like it better if she did?
Sayaka: never a straight answer for you, is there?
Kirari: I guess not
Sayaka: Truth is, President, I just wanted to talk to you.
Kirari: About anything much?
Sayaka: Not really..
Kirari: Well then, Sayaka I'll see you tomorrow.
Sayaka: See you.
Kirari: Wear something cute ;)

Wear something cute? What kind of request is that? My heart flutters in excitement as I swap the plain T-shirt laid out on my dresser to a Lacy, red top, and then again to a more breathable purple blouse.

This chapter is kinda uneventful and short, but I hope it's ok. Next chapter is gay, don't worry.

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