I like her.

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💕Time skip to getting ready💕

A small breakfast of granola, then off to the shops to pick up lunch. I get some sushi and packs of crisps. Pocky too, for Yumeko's sake, that girl practically lives on the stuff.

I'm at the till when I spot her. Kirari Momobami, browsing in the frozen food isle. Crap,crap,crap!! I hope she didn't see me. I hand the cashier my money and practically sprint out of there. Phew.

I relax a little, and begin on my walk home.

About halfway to my house, and I sense a presence. Sure enough, I feel a cold hand catch my wrist. Even so, my gay ass practically jumps out of my skin.

"Calm yourself, Sayaka, it's only me~" she sing songs and spins me round to look up at her.
I gulp as she cups my chin with her fingertips, tilting my face upwards, to her own, she's incredibly close now. Her spare hand opens my shopping bag, as she surveys the contents.
"Ooo pocky! That for us?" She takes her hand off my face smiles seductively.

"Was for Yumeko, she's mad for the stuff.."
I mumble and blush. The President pouts.
"That's too bad~" she takes part of my hair in her fingers and twirls it lightly. "You look.." she puts her mouth to my ear, "..Lovely"
"Could say the same to you, President" i eye her blouse and skinny jeans.
"Thankyou, Sayaka, and that's Kirari to you,"
"Sorry, Kirari-san"
"No need to be so. I'll see you later Sayaka,"
She turns on heel and saunters off.
That was..weird. Slightly enjoyable, may I admit, but weird,

✨Time skip to car ride✨

My maid and honest older-sister figure, Ava, drives me to Mary's meeting location.
"Thank you, Ava, I'll be getting out now,"
"Of course, My lady. Be safe. And watch out for Kirari," she winks at me as she hands me my rucksack. I blush furiously as she drives off.

"I think she's here," I hear Mary's voice, coming through a clump of trees. I follow the sound.

"SAYAKA-SAN!" Yumeko come flying at me with one of her bone-crushing hugs. I'm practically suffocating before Mary rescues me.  "GOD YUMEKO" she pries us apart, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE SO EXCITABLE!"
My view finally cleared of Yumeko's hair, I see we're in a sort of clearing between some trees, with a view overlooking a large lake. How pretty. I spot Yumemi giggling away with Itsuki on a picnic blanket over the far side of the clearing, they seem to be watching a music video or something on Yumemi's phone. Surprise surprise.

Much to my embarrassment, I'm the last to arrive. Kirari's here too. Mary and Yumeko are still arguing, and the other two distracted, I approach the President, who's seemingly amused by something she's writing into her phone, her back turned to me.

I walk over and kneel down beside her. She has her hair down, unlike this morning, when it was in tight rings of braids. It looks nice.
"Sayaka!" She blushes and puts her phone face down on the grass. That's new.

Also surprisingly, she decides to hug me.
"You look cute!"
"You say it like I'm some sort of hamster"
" You can be my hamster, then" she smirks and lets go of me.
That escalated quickly.
"That's pretty gay, Kirari,"

"What's gay?!!!" Yumeko skips over to us, pulling Mary with her.
"Heehee! Ok then!"she giggles.
"Tch" Mary says, "Can we eat now please?"
"Don't be such a tsundere Mary-san!"
I sigh and get out my food as the others unpack.
"Brought the blanket."
"Good good," Kirari claps her hands together, "Also, I forgot to mention, Ririka and Rei are coming later, but they didn't feel like eating with us."

"Oki~" Yumeko-San spys my food. "Pocky!! Ooh I love pocky!! Pocky pocky pocky~" she stands up and does a little dance, all while shaking the box of food.
"Calm yourself, Yumeko, you'll break them all into tiny pieces!" Mary grabs Yumeko's waist and pulls her down so she's sitting. She's practically on top of her, but they don't seem to mind. Ah, young love.

I smile and get out my spare box of pocky and hand it to Kirari. "No, I'm not doing any with you,"
she chuckles, " Thought so~"

💕A little time skip cuz I cba and want to skip to the gay shit💕

"Mary-san! Do pocky with me!"
"Not in a million years."

Kirari made a chat

K: Dang, Yumeko's not very subtle,is she?

My phone buzzes with the messages, and I can hardly contain a burst of laughter. "What's so funny?" The President widens her eyes innocently in my direction. I flip her the finger. "Sayaka-senpai!!" Itsuki gasps.
Kirari's eyes glint with danger. Whoops.

She pounces on me, pushing my arms down so she's leaning over me. Now sitting on my abdomen, she raises her middle finger on both hands. She's smirking again.

The rest of the group gawk at us. After about a minute, Yumemi voices a valid question: "How long are you going to do that, Kirari-san?"
"Hm" the President ponders, before moving her fingers slightly closer to my face. "No, no I'm done now,"
She smiles genuinely at me and stands up, helping me to my feet,too. "Now then,shall we carry on~"

'That's pretty gay' (kirari x sayaka fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now