~26~ Really Bad

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The next few days sucked—Kara is over after I get out of school every single day. She's making my life miserable.

I don't understand how dad can't see how horrible she is to me—She doesn't even hide her comments. The sex must be REALLY good for him to choose her over me. I've never been so relieved in my life to go to mom's after school today.

In History, I go over to Brooklyn before class starts.

"How's it going?" I ask her, sitting on the edge of her desk.

"Going good," she says, smiling her shy smile.

"Listen, my mom and her boyfriend are gonna be apartment hunting all afternoon. Any interest in taking the bus with me home, and working on homework together?"

"I'd love to! Your mom won't care?"

"No. She likes you," I say with my crooked smile.

The class flies by, and before I know it, Brooklyn and I are going into my empty apartment—This feels nice. We get some snacks and sodas, and go to the table to start our homework.

Before I know it, we're talking more than doing homework, so we decide to take it to the couch. I turn on the TV, and we goof around for a while.

I reach over and brush the hair out of her eyes. She doesn't flinch away from my touch—Her eyes go wide with excitement, actually.

So, being the teenage boy that I am, I decide to go a step further.

I bend down and brush my lips over hers, giving her time to push me away if she wants to—She doesn't. Instead, she kisses me hard and fast.

Suddenly we have our tongues down each other's throats. I can feel myself getting worked up—I haven't done this in a while; at least, not since Aria.

I shuffle as I gently push her down so she's laying on the couch. I move on top of her, shifting my weight so I'm not crushing her. I start to run my hands down her neck. Then I touch her shoulder, feeling her bra strap.

I'm trying to decide how far I should push this. Should we just make out? Should I try for more? I don't wanna go too far too quick, and make her uncomfortable. I decide to just make out with her for a while, and if she wants to do more, then she can initiate.

She wants more

She moves her hands to my back, grazing her fingers lightly on my butt, and slowly lifting my shirt up. I kiss her neck, her throat, her lips—every part of me excited for what's coming.

Suddenly, before I know what's happening, I hear my mom.


I jump off Brooklyn immediately, but decide to keep sitting down. Standing up is gonna be REAL embarrassing right now.

Brooklyn sits up too, and straightens her hair. Dang she looks humiliated!

I look up and see a furious looking mom, and an equally unhappy Taylor. I think I might be more afraid of mom right now though.....Are her eyes actually black?

Mom says nothing for a moment—She's too mad to speak. This is REALLY not gonna end well for me. Is castration a real thing?

"What are you doing, Liam?" She asks.

I have to give her credit, her voice is a whole lot calmer than I was expecting.

"She came over to do homework," I say simply, still not able to stand up.

"What subject? Health? Anatomy and Physiology?"

Taylor chuckles quietly at her side, still not used to mom's quick wit. One look from mom silences him immediately, though.

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