~46~ Terrifying

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Mom doesn't talk to me much the next couple of days. She doesn't normally give me the silent treatment, but I've really upset her..Or Jake upset her and she's blaming me...Either way, she's upset and I'm SUPER thankful to be going to dad's the next few days.

Dad is annoyed with me when I get to his house after school.

"Taylor told me what happened," he says in a disproving tone.

That makes me mad. "You two gossip more than a couple of girls!"

I had hoped to get a few days peace, and NOT more attitude.

"Don't think I heard you correctly, kiddo. What was that?"

"Why would you even let her get into a profession like that? What's wrong with you?!?"

"Since when does your mom do anything I tell her to do?" dad chuckles.

"I'm serious, dad—I'm blaming you for this. Why can't you ever be man enough to say no once in a while? Jake's right...You ARE a girl," I hiss as I throw my book across the room.

Dad's face goes from shock, to hurt, to anger in a matter of seconds.

"Pick up the book, Liam," he says quietly.

"I'll show ya how to do it, dad... "NO!" I scream as I storm out. I head to my car and go to Duncan's. I hang out at his house all night, and enjoy the momentary peace. Dad calls all night long, but I ignore the calls—I don't go back to dad's until around midnight.


When I get home that night and flip the light on, I'm shocked to see dad still up. He's watching tv on the couch, with a NOT warm and fuzzy look on his face.

"You're so lucky that you came home, young man. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?"

Dad's screaming—This isn't good.


"What were you doing?"

"Hanging out—His mom actually cooks; We had enchiladas. Better than the take out I was just gonna get here."

Dad picks up his phone and calls a number. Suddenly my phone starts ringing.

"Well, your phone does work, so that makes this worse for you."

"Whatever dad—I'm going to bed," I say, starting to go to my room.

Dad gets up quickly and grabs me roughly by the arm, spinning me around to face him.

"Think again, tough guy," he snaps as he roughly let's go, making me lose my balance a little.

"What's your problem? I WANNA GO TO BED!" I scream.

"Oh yeah? Well all I wanted you to do was pick up a stupid book, YET HERE WE ARE!" Dad screams, matching my level of scream, with his own.

"You're such a loser. You wanna act all tough now? Really? Where was that 16 years ago when mom wanted to become a paramedic?!?" I ask, pointing a finger in his face.

"You better get that finger out of my face right now, Liam," dad says, bending down so he's eye level with me.

He's starting to lose it.

"Make me!" I say, shoving him as hard as I possibly can. It catches him off guard and he falls back a little.

Definitely NOT as much as I was hoping for.

Dad takes a huge breath through his nose and yells. "YOU JUST MESSED UP, KID!!!"

He grabs me by both shoulders and slams me into the wall—He's fighting hard to keep his control.

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