~90~ Proposal~2

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Today is the day that Taylor is proposing to mom!

He has been working endlessly on all of the details. I may have made the mistake of calling him a girl once, and he promptly put me in a headlock.

"When you find the one you want to be with forever, I hope you try to make it special too, young man. Lay off," he barks, letting me go and rolling his eyes.

I get over to mom and Taylor's in the evening. The cover is that I am babysitting Sasha while they go on a date. The place they are supposed to be "eating" at is really fancy, forcing mom to dress nice.

I get there on time, and I can tell Taylor is nervous. He's fidgeting with the baby bottles, and knocking the paci on the floor.

"Crap!" He says, frustrated as he tries to make a bottle really quick for Sasha, spilling formula out on the counter.

"Here, give her to me—Go get ready," I say as I kiss her and then start blowing on her tummy, making her laugh.

Once he comes out, in his fancy suit, he looks nice. It's easy to see why Sasha is so beautiful. Between mom and Taylor, this girl is going to be gorgeous when she gets older.

"You clean up nice," I laugh.

He rolls his eyes at me—He knows I'm not actually complimenting him..I'm totally making fun of him because he HATES dressing up. He kinda looks like he wants to pound me.

Mom comes out a few minutes later, and she is absolutely beautiful. Seeing her makes me want to cry. In an hour, she's going to be engaged, and she doesn't even know it.

The look on Taylor's face is perfect—He is so in love with her, it exudes out of him.

"You are breathtaking," he says as he gives her a kiss.

"You're not so bad yourself," she says as she smiles at him.

"Ok you two, get a room. There's a baby in here." I say, pretending to be grossed out.

"Yeah, well we had to do a whole lot more than that to make her." Taylor says as he takes Sasha from me and gives her another kiss. Mom lightly smacks his arm, not really appreciating that comment, as I pretend to be horrified.

"Ick," I say, rolling my eyes again.

"Ok, you ready?" He asks as he hands Sasha back to me.

"Ready," she nods as she leans in to kiss me, then Sasha. "Be good you two."

"Eh, I'll only let her get one tattoo," I say, smiling sweetly.

Taylor chuckles as he gives me a knowing look. I know how nervous he is. I'm actually pretty nervous too.

Once they leave I look at Sasha, and she smiles her gummy grin at me. "What do you say, Sasha Bear... want to watch mommy and daddy get engaged?" I ask, kissing her nose.

She looks at me with her stunning eyes, and promptly pulls my hair, letting out a belly laugh.

"You're rotten, ya know that?" I say as I loosen her death grip and free my hair.

"That's no way to talk to your sister, young man," Dad grins as he walks in the door.

"She started it!"

Dad takes Sasha from me, so I can hurry and get dressed. We have to leave in five minutes to get to the fire station—That's where he's proposing.

"Come to Uncle Alex, pretty girl. I won't call you such horrible names," he croons, kissing her cheek.

"You might if she gets ahold of your hair. It hurts!" I say over my shoulder as I rush to my room.

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